Running Masteron towards end of first cycle


New member
I'm wrapping up my first cycle. Stenazolol/test prop/tren 100mg each every 3 days on average and provirin pill eod. Have all my things ready for post cycle. I went 14 weeks. My question is can I run masteron prop now or do I save it for another cycle? I know it was a long run or can I run it solo or with small dose of test for a few weeks before starting post cycle. I was able to get a hold of 2 vials of masteron prop. I'm currently 16% body fat. Down from 28% body far
Save the masteron. No sense in wasting it on a half-cycle. Masteron isn't going to cut you down in body fat if that's what you're hoping to achieve, only diet will.

My .02c :)
Save the masteron. No sense in wasting it on a half-cycle. Masteron isn't going to cut you down in body fat if that's what you're hoping to achieve, only diet will.

My .02c :)
but mast will certainly help with lean tissue preservation, and is just a nice performance enhancer overall IMO
That's a crazy first cycle! So many things wrong... Pinning short esters e3d. No ai.

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I am running nolvadex on cycle for that purpose. I know arimidex is better but couldn't get my hands on that. I try pinning every 2 but sometimes I go longer if I'm traveling for work by plane and obviously can't get to it.
Taking nolvadex on cycle for that purpose. I try to pin every 2 but do travel
For work so go a bit longer
but mast will certainly help with lean tissue preservation, and is just a nice performance enhancer overall IMO

That's a crazy first cycle! So many things wrong... Pinning short esters e3d. No ai.

Click and read
Nolvadex is a SERM. It is not an AI. SERMs do not lower estrogen levels. You need an AI. You can order Arimidex from RUi. Their ad is at the top of your screen if not using the mobile version of the site.

Use a longer ester if you cannot pin EOD.

Do things right or don't so them at all.
but mast will certainly help with lean tissue preservation, and is just a nice performance enhancer overall IMO

It won't preserve lean mass any more than testosterone. I don't know what you mean by performance enhancer though. Masteron is a DHT derivative, which does some awesome things, but I can't really say I get more performance out of it than other compounds.
Seems like I haven't been given the best advice
Or complete story from local supplier. I've been trying to price it together online etc. thanks for the link. Very informative. Can't see link. I'm on a mobile device. Can you copy me a link on this thread? I'll be ordering arimidex for sure. Thanks again. Want to learn all I can and do it right.
Nolvadex is a SERM. It is not an AI. SERMs do not lower estrogen levels. You need an AI. You can order Arimidex from RUi. Their ad is at the top of your screen if not using the mobile version of the site.

Use a longer ester if you cannot pin EOD.

Do things right or don't so them at all.
Seems like I haven't been given the best advice
Or complete story from local supplier. I've been trying to price it together online etc. thanks for the link. Very informative. Can't see link. I'm on a mobile device. Can you copy me a link on this thread? I'll be ordering arimidex for sure. Thanks again. Want to learn all I can and do it right.

Just switch to the Full Site version and you will be able to see their ad.