running to much test?


New member
i just ordered test prop and sustanon 250 and im getting 500 mg a week of the sustanon and the test p is about 100 mg and im shooting the test p EOD so im getting 300mg off that so im roughly getting 800mgs of test but im not stacking nothing with it got any advice?
My best advice is to eat right and train hard. 800mg of test a week total is a good cycle you should expect to gain at least 20lbs if you train and eat properly. Are you using an anti estrogen to combat side effects? What does your post cycle therapy (pct) look like? Thats going to determine if you keep your gains or not.
About a week after your last shot you start the nolvadex. For an anti estrogen you want some arimidex or aromasin. Do you have those?
I ran 2 of the same cycles one at 600 test the other at 800 I didnt gain sufficient amount more on the 800 to make it worth it I'd stick to 600. IMO
Test is test bro. All your doing is causing unstable blood levels and a spike of test on your test p pin days. Imo leave the p out and run some more Sustanon (sust) I'd you want 800mg.
i was thinking same thing, some guys tolerate the peaks and valleys better than others but id personally be concerned about levels, I have ran test prop over test cyp and to me this is a good way to get test flu. so now i stick with short or long and dont usually mix.

If this is your first cycle, sounds like it is, Sustanon (sust) 250-500 a week is plenty. unless your gear is underdosed . you could of used prop to kick start but id save t for other cycle

Test is test bro. All your doing is causing unstable blood levels and a spike of test on your test p pin days. Imo leave the p out and run some more Sustanon (sust) I'd you want 800mg.
Damn, get ready for bloat city. Should be great for strength gains though but you definitely need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand. What's your previous cycle experience? 800mg's is quite a number to start out with.
my previous cycle was test e 250mg and dbol 25mg i was takeing 4 pills a day and shooting test EOD i gained about 15 pounds off that
so do i need to leave the test p out and just stick to the sustanon 250? my orignal plan was to get test p and some abombs but i went ahead an bought the mixture