?'s About My New Routine


New member
Over the past 8 months or so I've made some pretty respectable gains, at least for me. I've managed to increase all of my lifts considerably (ex. 50lbs or so on my bench), added 1 inch to my arms and gotten wider in the shoulders than I have ever been. I feel pretty good about myself except I have also grown my waste to 39 inches!

So, my buddy and I have decided to change our routine around a bit and try to trim out a lot. In addition to high intensity cardio 4-5 times a week (afternoons) we are changing our lifting to 3 mornings a week, 2 hours each.

We're starting the first hour (after 10 minutes of light cardio to warm up) with our power moves that we just can't bear to give up: bench, squat and deadlifts. For the second hour (or 45 mins or so) we were going to choose an opposing set of muscles (bis/tris, chest/back, shoulders/somthing else) and do three exercises, three compound sets each. The idea is to get the heart rate up and really beat up the muscles. Our ultimate goal is to lose a lot of bodyfat while still getting the weights workout we love.

Does this sound like a good idea? I'm thinking it might be a little too much. Thanks for any help anybody cares to give!
cut your carbs to loose weight. intense cardio is gonna cost you some muscle as well. leave your routine like it is and add cardio (moderate) on your off days and keep carbs below 200. if that dont work drop um to 100. loosin BF has nothing to do with lifting weights, its calorie intake.
Routine was pretty basic. We did four days a week - mon/tues & thur/fri - and did two body parts each day (push/pull). 2 or three exercises per body part (usually 3) and about 5-8 reps per set. Very little cardio and I ate whatever didn't eat me first!

I don't want to blow any gains out of proportion. My bench was, and is, pretty weak*. My arms were pretty small to begin with. I went from 15 inches to 16, so it's not like I turned into Mr. Olympia. I appreciate your compliment, though!

The last time I tried cutting carbs I was left feeling weak and soft. I don't like how car depleting makes me feel.

*That's another thing with me, my weak as hell bench. My partner and I are pretty even on most things, he'll lift just a little more than me on some triceps exercises, but I dominate on shoulders. Yet, my max bench is a girlish 225 and his is 315! 'Sup wit dat?!
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I can put ya on routine that'll get your bench kick started if you like. 3 days per week. with proper nutrician and rest you can put on strenght and size while leaning out. sound too good to be true? well its not.
read the "Need Help!! How To Train On A Mass Cycle, Opinions Wanted" thread and the "do deadlifts thicken waste" thread. there is a sample routine in there and some good pointers on training as well. good luck if ya got any questions post um or PM me.