SA Labs. Silver Anabolics


New member
Anyone ever heard of?? Lots of builders are using this in Houston. Picked up a 10 week cy of the prop and cyp and so far pretty solid stuff. Just curious if anyone has heard of them because I cannot find anything on the web regarding them.
I live in Houston also and came across this lab today. Was wondering if you pinned yet and your opinion on quality? Thanks in advance.
Hey! well after completing my first cycle of just straight test I can say its clean stuff. Very legit. The prop was fantastic.
Im going to cycle tren acetate / test ethanate for my next cycle. being a past user of the british dragon I can say with the silver you know your getting the same thing every time. Its dosed exactly the same. You never know what you were getting with the british dragon , it was hit or miss. Good luck!
SA Labs Silver.

I was using this and man is this good stuff. Prob the best ive used.
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DPR - c'mon ... You know they had you fooled and ready to spend your next check. I was almost convinced