SARM cycle to get back into it, to prep for bigger and better


New member
Hello everyone,

I know its been quite a while ( ****DO NOT POST LINKS TO OUTSIDE FORUMS**** ) but after a deployment (where I honestly got some pretty good straight strength gains) I am finally back to a semi-regular work schedule where I can prioritize gym and supplementation. Coming off of overuse injury in my knee (been almost a year now, with physical therapy these last 5-6 months) I am so ready to get back to it!

I am planning on doing a Recomp cycle of SARMs, to lean out but hopefully still make some muscular gains, and wanted to know if any of you had any advice, suggestions, or insight into a cycle like this?

Concept: (From Week 0 to 5, then PCT Week 6-8)

Ostarine 20/20/20/20/20/20/0/0/0 ED (mg)
GW-501516 10/10/10/10/10/10/0/0/0 ED (mg)
Arimistane (AI) 25/25/25/25/25/25/25/0/0 ED (mg)
"mini PCT"
Clomid 0/0/0/0/0/0/50/25/25 (Clomiphene citrate in mg)
DAA 0/0/0/0/0/0/1/1/1 (1 being servings on bottle)

Other Support Supps:
BCAAs pre/intra workout
ZMA before bed
Osteo biflex (joints and my knee pain, maybe will help?)
Animal packs
protein shakes (of course)

How does this look to you guys? Any changes you would suggest based on experience?

I know its not the big league stuff, but want to run this before getting into Anavar or maybe even some bigger gear my buddy is getting later on. Just reassessing my body and finding where to go from there. Putting a supplement cycle together give me a lot of motivation to keep my eating clean and stay in the gym, so that motivation alone is enough to help me make strides in looking better. Hoping the Ostarine "healing properties people rave about have some truth to them also.
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I cannot follow your dosing schedule...can you spell it out some with words? Such as Osta - 2 doses a day of 20mg for 5 weeks?


Also, make sure you get your SAMRs from a known good source, such as one of the board sponsors. The board vets them beforehand and dumps any that they receive complaints about that are not resolved properly. The board takes care of its members that way. I personally use SarmsSearch...and they have a discount code for 30% off if you use them. DICED30 I think it is.
I cannot follow your dosing schedule...can you spell it out some with words? Such as Osta - 2 doses a day of 20mg for 5 weeks?
Also, make sure you get your SAMRs from a known good source, such as one of the board sponsors. The board vets them beforehand and dumps any that they receive complaints about that are not resolved properly. The board takes care of its members that way. I personally use SarmsSearch...and they have a discount code for 30% off if you use them. DICED30 I think it is.

Concept: (From Week 1 to 6, then PCT Week 7-9)

Ostarine 20/20/20/20/20/20/0/0/0 ED (mg)
GW-501516 10/10/10/10/10/10/0/0/0 ED (mg)
Arimistane (AI) 25/25/25/25/25/25/25/0/0 ED (mg)
"mini PCT"
Clomid 0/0/0/0/0/0/50/25/25 (Clomiphene citrate in mg)
DAA 0/0/0/0/0/0/1/1/1 (1 being servings on bottle)

So, Osta once a day at 20 mg (already have caps) for 6 weeks.
GW-501516 once a day at 10mg (have in caps as well) for 6 weeks.
Arimistane once a day at 25mg (caps) for 8 weeks, so first 6 weeks with SARMs and two weeks into mini-PCT.
Clomid once daily during PCT. Week 7 at 50 mg ED, Weeks 8-9 at 25mg ED.
DAA during PCT as well, as per bottle directions.

Does that make sense?

I definitely won't do what happened the first time I bought SARM supps from a nutrition store; took the advice of the hug kid behind the counter and just started taking the caps without a lot of research. I should have known better, especially since my pretty successful hdrol run two years~ back where I was meticulous. Within 4-5 days feeling like crap, tingly nipple on my left side, and heartburn. He wanted me to run osta at 75mg a day, along with two other SARMs and some other "natural anabolic" crap he tried to push me to buy.

Gonna do it right this time. Do you have any recommendations/suggestions or advice for changes to what I have laid out?
12 weeks is a normal SARMs run length, so I would increase it by 4 weeks if you can. Also, why are you running an AI with the SARM and PPAR Agonist? I do not think it is needed at all. The Mini PCT is a good idea, probably not needed, but I always support being on the safe side than the sorry side.

Be prepared to increase the GW50 to 20mg or higher, I find my sweet spot of cardio increase is at 30mg per day.
Hello everyone!

Sorry I havn't been online so long, but wanted to post an update. I am in week 5 of my cycle, and feeling good. I dropped the GW, I hated the way it made me feel. Sort of an anxious feeling that would only go away during my workout, and come back throughout hte day. Idk if it was adrenaline or increased BP or what, but I decided to cut it out.

My numbers have gone up slightly on my big 3 lifts, but I'm not really lifting for big weight more for composition and getting reps in. I look a little leaner in my gut area and my should definition for whatever reason is definitely noticable in the shirts I wear, haha.

The only side I seem to have noticed, is about the start of week 5 (a few days ago) I am breaking out with acne, and I have no history of acne being a problem for me even back in my teen years. I don't know if it is the Osta or Arimistane, or osmething else going on in my life.

The feeling of "well being" that people talk about with Osta is for real, about weeks 2-4 I was feeling that for sure, even on a night were I wouldn't get a good nights sleep I felt great and energy for the gym/at work wasnt a problem. Seems to have worn off at this point in the cycle though. Still planning on doing a mini-PCT to be safe, I may extend my cycle out to a week 7 based on some feedback above and how many caps I have left, then go ahead with the SERM
Updated Concept: (From Week 1 to 7, then PCT Week 8-10)

Ostarine 20/20/20/20/20/20/20/0/0/0 ED (mg)
GW-501516 10/10/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0 ED (mg)
Arimistane (AI) 25/25/25/25/25/25/25/0/0/0 ED (mg)
"mini PCT"
Clomid 0/0/0/0/0/0/0/50/25/25 (Clomiphene citrate in mg)
DAA 0/0/0/0/0/0/0/1/1/1 (1 being servings on bottle)
You might like AICAR instead of GW50. AICAR is naturally produced by the body when you exercuse. It gives a big boost to endurance as well and does not give that "I am on something" feeling.