SARMs and Frags for my first hamster?


New member
I have a fresh hamster that I'm looking to experiment with. Would SARMs and Peptides (not sure if SARMs are considered a peptide) a good starting point for this hamster? Obviously I have more research to do as I don't hurt my poor hamster. Just wondering opinions on this as my hamster has never been the subject of any research before.

Also my hamster wanted me to pass along his wishes for this thread

VERY INFORMATIVE!!!!! Great read and I learned alot from it.
Sarms and peptides would be perfect if you want to stay away from the AAS. Sarms increase testosterone as well. Peptides bring all these mechanisms together. Try our OstaMax and if you're interested in your hamster gaining lean mass try the OstaMax/GW combo.

Sarms are not peptides by the way but a very good question. I can see how that may be confusing.
I have a fresh hamster that I'm looking to experiment with. Would SARMs and Peptides (not sure if SARMs are considered a peptide) a good starting point for this hamster? Obviously I have more research to do as I don't hurt my poor hamster. Just wondering opinions on this as my hamster has never been the subject of any research before.

Also my hamster wanted me to pass along his wishes for this thread

VERY INFORMATIVE!!!!! Great read and I learned alot from it.
Ostarine, igf DES & lr3, mod grf/ghrp2, would be a great option.

To start out:
Ostarine 25mg a day
Igf DES 50mcg pre workout

This could be a very good starting combination. Add any of the others and could be even better. Ostarine is probably a very good option for someone not read or looking to use AAS.
Now if I have this right in my head Ostarine + GW 501516 would be more of a lean bulk/cutting type substance; whereas, Ostarine + Igf DES would be more of a straight bulking agent? Researching GW 501516 I seen where there was a study that mice ran further and obese people lost more fat. My Hamster might be interested in that as soon he will have to run on his wheel if he doesn't want to get kicked out of the house.

If I'm wrong please let me know as I said still trying to get my head wrapped around things. Was looking at AAS for the longest, and kind of brushed off peptides but they are becoming more and more intriguing for my hamster.

Also one more question right now, all three would only be run for a month on/month off right? And I guess actually one more question GW501516 would be run at 5mg a day for a hamster?

Thanks for the help.
I would go with 5mg on GW. This is where I just started my mouse. I can't give any info based off experience because he just started

With ostarine, igf, gh peptides, and GW you are looking at lean mass gains.

Ostarine would be the closest of the bunch to something like testosterone. Obviously they are not the same but ostarine will attach to and activate the same receptor. In clinical trials it's repeatedly shown to produce lean mass gains as well as other benefits without the harsh side effects. I have about a week and a half on ostarine and so far it's been good. GW apparently can help metabolism and reduce bf, help With lipids, and help with endurance from what I've read.

Igf is a growth factor. When gh passes thru the liver, igf is released. This is responsible for creating new muscle cells and important to gaining muscle. But igf seems to help stay lean while consuming high calories as well.

Ostarine and GW would be a good alternative to AAS and help cut bf while maintaining or increasing muscle mass. Look more into diet in terms of bulking and cutting and use these as supplements to help achieve those goals.

If you look around the net or google there are quite a few logs for ostarine, igf, gh peptides. Those may help you gain a better understanding and may give you an idea of what to expect. Before I had the opportunity to use it, I would recommend ostarine to some of the younger guys and people who weren't quite ready for AAS and the response was always good. I researched it for a long time and the response has always been strength and mass gains without nasty side effects and hpta suppression.
Thanks for entertaining my hamsters nooblet questions. He's just very excited and like most rodents doesn't know how to control himself :)