Sarms opinions and experience needed.


New member
I'm just looking for some unbiased opinions on sarms, primarily ostarine and secondly S4.

Wondering what kind of results/sides have people seen from running these solo without any other gear? Gains in terms of lbs and bodyfat etc.

I'm fully natural so far so just looking for an edge that's a stronger than otc supplements.

I'm not looking for any input from reps on this one as that is readily available already.

Thanks :)
I have read many things - especially stacking. Stacking the SARMS allows them to help each other and become stronger than each one individually could do. They are weaker than AAS but also have far fewer side effects (for the most part) and are legal to buy and own (just not legal to use), which matters to some people. So if you want to not use AAS, SARMS are a good choice - just expect them to not give you as pronounced of a change as AAS would.

SarmsSearch is a sponsor of this board, check them out.
I'm just looking for some unbiased opinions on sarms, primarily ostarine and secondly S4.

Wondering what kind of results/sides have people seen from running these solo without any other gear? Gains in terms of lbs and bodyfat etc.

I'm fully natural so far so just looking for an edge that's a stronger than otc supplements.

I'm not looking for any input from reps on this one as that is readily available already.

Thanks :)
I thought osta was ok. but honestly I love my teste var combo : )
I think the reason I am having great results with sarms is that I have used AS
For many years and have been off for about 10 years now so I do think there is muscle memory and also I am old so everything helps. Osta makes me feel like I am on Var. I would just try a cycle and see for yourself
S4 and lgd have given me the best stand alone sarms cycles. I'm a S4 fanatic and say stack it with everything. It bulks and cuts at the same time. It's it's not liver toxic. Stack that shit when ever possible. And Sarms Search hands down best Sarms product, strongest sarms you gonna find.
S4 and LGD was decent. Like previous posters stated, I believe stacking the two together makes a difference. I also think they work better if you have used AAS or prohormones and have muscle memory.
Thanks for all the input.

Bonexyster you say it's not liver toxic? Is there bloods to back this up?

There's millions of dollars of pharmaceutical testing that backs it up. Just do a quick Google search on the medical trials. Not a single patient showed any hemotoxicity from S4.
Lgd causes shutdown though? So wouldn't be best practice to take without test

It's idea to run Test with everything, would you obtain results without test yes. If you didn't run test I'd highly recommend running Clomid with the chosen sarm and then continuing to run the clomid 4 weeks post cycle along with tamoxifen or raloxifene.
Thanks for all the input.

Bonexyster you say it's not liver toxic? Is there bloods to back this up?

My liver values have never been elevated using sarms. Last cycle was LGD/osta/s4 and blood work showed no elevation in liver enzymes. A bit of a lipid disturbance which is known to happen with LGD, but not terrible and it dropped back down to normal upon ceasing.
And info on rad? Seems like the most promising sarm

The stability of RAD140 was high (t1/2 > 2 h) in incubations with rat, monkey, and human microsomes, and it also had good bioavailability in rats (F = 27***8722;63%) and monkeys (65***8722;75%). RAD140 demonstrated excellent affinity for the androgen receptor (Ki = 7 nM vs 29 nM for testosterone and 10 nM for DHT) as well as good selectivity over other steroid hormone nuclear receptors, with the closest off target receptor being the progesterone receptor (IC50 = 750 nM vs 0.2 nM for progesterone).18In vitro functional androgen agonist activity was confirmed in the C2C12 osteoblast differentiation assay, where an EC50 of 0.1 nM was shown (DHT = 0.05 nM).

RAD140 demonstrated no stimulation of the prostate above the intact animal control level until the highest dose tested, 30 mg/kg.

In this study, a mean weight gain of greater than 10% in just 28 days of dosing was achieved at a dose of just 0.1 mg/kg, with a similar effect observed at the 1.0 mg/kg dosing group (cynomolgous monkeys).

Clinical chemistry indicated the expected lowering of lipids (LDL, HDL, triglycerides). Despite the rather dramatic increases in body weight over such a short time, there was no elevation of liver enzyme transaminase levels in any animal at any dose >2 fold over its baseline value. Given the well-established relationship between oral androgen use and liver stress indicators, we were quite pleased that at a dose 10-fold greater than the fully effective dose we saw minimal liver enzyme elevations.

Taken in sum, RAD140 has all the hallmarks of a SARM. It is potency selective, since it stimulates muscle weight increases at a lower dose than that required to stimulate prostate weight increases. Moreover, it is also efficacy selective, because it is fully anabolic on muscle but demonstrates less than complete efficacy on the prostate and seminal vesicles and, in fact, can partially antagonize the stimulation of the seminal vesicles induced by testosterone. RAD140 has excellent pharmacokinetics and is a potent anabolic in nonhuman primates as well. We believe the overall preclinical profile of RAD140 is very good, and the compound has completed preclinical toxicology in both rats and monkeys. We are currently preparing RAD140 for phase I clinical studies in patients suffering from severe weight loss due to cancer cachexia.
Design, Synthesis, and Preclinical Characterization of the Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) RAD140

So far, RAD-140 appears to be amazing for muscle gain without any adverse side effects. I weigh 84 kg, so at 0.1mg / kg, I would need to take 0.84 mg per day for a month to see the same effect they say. Testing has been so promising with no side effects that they are green lighted for human trials. VERY nice SARM!!!
Yeah I was looking at some of the clinical trials on Osta but most are dosed a lot milder than recommended for bodybuilding.

As for the shut down, that would defeat the purpose of running a sarm for me as I would see/use them as a very mild alternative to aas. So if any I'll prob try osta. Just seems to be limited information at the minute on cycles amd results, particularly of people who aren't on gear.
Yeah I was looking at some of the clinical trials on Osta but most are dosed a lot milder than recommended for bodybuilding.

As for the shut down, that would defeat the purpose of running a sarm for me as I would see/use them as a very mild alternative to aas. So if any I'll prob try osta. Just seems to be limited information at the minute on cycles amd results, particularly of people who aren't on gear.

Limited info? How do you figure?

A simple google search will give you tons of logs as well as studies..
WASHINGTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jun 11, 2009 - GTx, Inc. (Nasdaq: GTXI) today announced results of a Phase II clinical trial evaluating Ostarine***8482; (MK-2866), an investigational selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM), in patients with cancer induced muscle loss, also known as cancer cachexia. In the study, Ostarine treatment led to statistically significant increase in lean body mass (LBM) and improvement in muscle performance measured by stair climb in patients with cancer cachexia compared to baseline in both the Ostarine 1 mg and 3 mg treatment cohorts. These study results were the subject today of an oral podium presentation at the 2009 Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society in Washington.

In the study, Ostarine met the primary endpoint of LBM, measured by a dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) scan, by demonstrating statistically significant increases in LBM compared to baseline in both the Ostarine 1 mg and 3 mg treatment cohorts. Specifically, the change from baseline in LBM for the placebo, 1 mg and 3 mg treatment groups was 0.1 kg (p=0.874 compared to baseline), 1.5 kg (p=0.001) and 1.3 kg (p=0.045), respectively, at the end of the 16-week trial.
GTx Presents Phase II Ostarine (MK-2866) Cancer Cachexia Clinical Trial Results at Endocrine Society Annual Meeting - MedNews

During this entire test, the human subjects were undergoing chemo-therapy. They were being made sick on purpose to kill cancer and STILL gained muscle mass. The stuff is pretty good. It is androgenic, so it will produce male traits in women if taken long enough and at a high enough dose. GTX did tests with women and found no male traits appearing at doses up to 3mg / day. As a note, the half-life of Osta is about 24 hours, so dosing every day is needed. It is liver friendly as well.

Ostarine USES:

Ostarine is extremely versatile and can be used for every type of goal in training. It can be used to bulk, to cut or to recomp. It truly shines as a recomp but provides effects in all three areas.

As a bulker, ostarine has shown to add up to 7 lbs. of lean muscle mass over an 8 week cycle. The optimal dose is 25 mg a day. The half life of ostarine is very long so it only needs to be taken once a day, preferably in the morning. Ostarine is the most anabolic of all the SARMS, so it provides the best chance of muscle gain. The gains that ostarine provides are very keepable and the muscle and size gained is very lean and clean. There is a significant strength increase as well.

As a cutter, ostarine should be dosed at 15-20 mg a day for 8 weeks. Ostarine would primarily fit into a cutting protocol for the maintenance of muscle mass while reducing calories. One of the most disheartening outcomes of cutting is the loss hard earned muscle mass. The drop in ********* rate and hormone levels (T3, IGF, Testosterone, etc) with the lack of calories is a perfect catabolic environment for loss of muscle tissue. As Ostarine has anabolic effects, user can cut calories without having to worry about muscle or strength loss. Ostarine has also shown noticeable nutrient partitioning effects among users, another reason why it can be of great help when cutting.

Ostarine truly shines during a recomp. Ostarine works particularly well during a recomp because of its nutrient partitioning benefits. Calories are taken from fat stores and calorie intake is fed to the muscle tissue. Many users have shown that when ostarine is consumed at maintenance calories, they are able to lose weight yet still show increases in strength and muscle mass. Although Ostarine is taken orally, it is not methylated and is not toxic to the liver and does not have a negative effect on ones blood pressure. Therefore it can be run for longer than oral steroids. Ostarine can be used up to 12 weeks safely and still provide excellent benefits.

Injury Prevention:

Ostarine also has the benefit of healing as part of its versatility. The effects it provides translate to anabolism in bone and skeletal muscle tissue, which also allows it to be used in a variety of ways, such as treating osteoporosis and in conjunction with drugs that reduce bone density. It has excellent benefits when used for rehabilitation of injuries, especially bone and tendon related injuries.

Doses of 12.5mg per day is recommend for such purposes and improvement in joint movement that can be seen after just 6-8 days.

All high dose studies are done by body builders and athletes - GTX simply has no reason to do them as lower doses accomplish their goals. However, as psizzle said, a google search of dosing will give you logs of people who ran it. The above is one.

Here is some more info as well:

When it is Used

There are various types of cycles that a person may select to use Ostarine MK ***8211; 2866 for. One of them is a bulking cycle where they want to gain lean muscle tissue. This allows them to gain weight that is mainly muscle. They gains can be as much as 7 pounds and they can be seen over a period of 8 weeks, taking a dose of 25 mg per day. The daily dose shouldn***8217;t be more than 40 mg per day. For the best results it should be taken at the same time each day.

For a cycle of losing body fat known as cutting, reducing calories and increasing workout time can create more muscle. Cutting without the use of SARMS can result in losing muscle mass which can be frustrating. This is due to the drop in hormone levels and a reduction of the ********* rate. With the use of Ostarine MK-2866, the strength or muscle loss won***8217;t have to be a concern at all. For a cutting cycle, a dose of 15 mg to 20 mg per day for a period of 6 to 8 weeks is taken.

The nutritional value that this SARM offers is also very encouraging. The ability to successfully lose the weight but keep the muscle growth taking place is very important. With the use of steroids, it starts to take longer and longer to see results, but that isn***8217;t the case with Ostarine MK ***8211; 2866. There is also no risk for the liver to be damaged which is a common side effect with the use of steroids. It also won***8217;t cause problems for blood pressure.

Advantages over Steroids

There are many advantages of taking Ostarine MK ***8211; 2866 over steroids. They include:
***8226;Less expensive
***8226; Not harsh on the liver
***8226; Not going to alter blood pressure
***8226; Results are seen quickly
***8226; Can help prevent issues with joints and bones due to injuries
***8226; No risk of estrogen related side effects
***8226; No risk of water retention
***8226; Offers nutritional value when cutting calories
Ostarine MK-2866 | SARMS Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators
There's been plenty of clinical trials/online logs with blood work/research articles/etc. done on SARMS in the last few years. Tons of info out there. All pointing to positive results and little to no health/side effects. They are NOT too good to be true, although it may seem that way :)