SARMs Shelf Life, PCT, and Brand


New member
Tried searching, and maybe my forum-fu is weak, but had trouble finding definitive answers. Tried sending PSizzle a PM, but since I'm new, the board itself wouldn't let me -- so without further ado...

1) How long is the shelf life and recommended storage of SARMs, namely MK2866 and GW-50? How can you tell if SARMs go "bad?"

2) What is the recommended PCT/protocol to curb suppression with MK2866?

3) It seems like SARMSearch is favored on these boards, while it seems like the other interweb favorite is SARMs1. Both seem to have a pretty strong following -- any reason to pick one over the other?

Appreciate the help guys.
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1) not sure on exact shelf lives... I would say a fair while tho. This is purely speculation but I'd assume SARMs would act like most drugs and not go "bad," probably just become slowly less and less effective over the years. I don't think you'll have to worry about shelf lives unless you plan on keepin then over a year.

2) 4 weeks of nolva... Maybe nolva/clomid, wont need a big pct as they are only slightly suppressive. Best to be safe though and always run a PCT.

3) SARMSsearch is a site sponsor. I'd pick them anyday, apart from being a sponsor so you know they good to go, i've heard a lot of good reviews about them and read a few people saying their quality is better than sarms1.

Hope that anwsers all your Qs..
I've had several of their customers make the switch after comparing our products, that's all ill say as I'm usually the nice one lol

Shelf lives are nice and long depending on where you keep them. I keep mine on a shelf with my other supps, no sunlight touches them, and they patiently wait several months for me to use them.
+1 on them lasting a good while if stored correctly, and I would absolutely advise sarmssearch products. I have tried multiple brands and none even come close to SS. As far as pct, low dose nolva or clomid for 4 weeks should be plenty to get you recovered
Appreciate the input all.

I'd be storing them for a few months minimum. I'm planning on storing them in an airtight container with an anti-moisture pack.

SS it is. Any word on how to tell if they've gone bad due to improper storage or anything like that?
I havent looked into storing for an extended period of time because I usually have trouble waiting, but I would assume refrigerator would extend shelf life tremendously, I can find out for certain and post back up.

I was a Sarms1 customer that made the switch to SS. The choice was made very easy when I saw what SS had to offer as far as quality, presentation, and costumer service.
From a few different sources it appears the "proper" way to strore SARMS long term is room temperature out of direct sunlight. It can be stored this way for 2 years
Not to mention our bottles are glass.. I feel like this plays a good part in it lasting longer than plastic bottles
I havent looked into storing for an extended period of time because I usually have trouble waiting, but I would assume refrigerator would extend shelf life tremendously, I can find out for certain and post back up.

I was a Sarms1 customer that made the switch to SS. The choice was made very easy when I saw what SS had to offer as far as quality, presentation, and costumer service.

Sarms1 is garbage, anyone that has ordered from them can back me up....they suspend their sarms in golden grain and you have to shake them up. Making an accurate dose impossible. The GW was a lumpy mess.....I wouldn't touch that brand. I cant believe they are still in Biz. They are just being powered by the EF hype train.

There are a few legit brands out there, I personally use Sarms Search.
To be completely honest, this is my first venture into PEDs.
If anyone could be so kind to school me on the basics of PCT real quick?

Going back to the mentioned "EF Hype," I was advised there to take HC Generate on cycle, and HC Generate ES post? I'm really not looking to start a pissing match, just looking for good solid information. Read about Nolva a bit, and it's side effects sound disconcerting at best..

Also read an AI may be enough for PCT as well?
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Also, this is simply out of pure curiosity.
Anyone know why SARMs1's MK2866 is double the concentration, and 2/3 the cost -- so effectively 1/3 of the price??

I'm a avid follower of the "you-get-what-you-pay-for" mindset, but that's just ridiculous.
To be completely honest, this is my first venture into PEDs.
If anyone could be so kind to school me on the basics of PCT real quick?

Going back to the mentioned "EF Hype," I was advised there to take HC Generate on cycle, and HC Generate ES post? I'm really not looking to start a pissing match, just looking for good solid information. Read about Nolva a bit, and it's side effects sound disconcerting at best..

Also read an AI may be enough for PCT as well?

You should really go through and read all the stickies here before you take anything. But ill be nice and give you a quick run down on PCT.

So when you take any suppressive PED (all AAS & prohormones, Most SARMs) you shutdown your natural test production. PCT is what we call the therapy after a cycle (post cycle therapy) to help speed up the recovery process. Without a pct you would still probably recover, but it would takes months and months longer for your natural test to be back up to speed. The longer your test levels are lower than normal the longer your gonna feel like shit for (tired, letheargic, depressed, low libido) and the harder it will be to maintain all the new muscle you've just put on. By taking SERMs like nolva and clomid you stimulate the pituatry into bringing back the test production faster.

Don't know where you read that. Nolva is generally well tolerated by everyone, very very few people get side effects from it. Clomid is usually a bit less well tolerated, it can make people a bit moody and some people get a bit of blurred vision. Even so, definetly worth putting up with for four-six weeks anyway. An AI should be used on cycle only to manage estrogen levels, not during PCT. Estrogen is needed for recovery aswell.

In regards to your question about sarms procing, you already hit the nail on the head... You get what you pay for. Shouldn't take too much more than a quick google search to figure out if you wanna pay a bit extra for quality or not ;)

Thats only the basics of PCT but hope that helps..
It's completely up to you. I believe in our products, I've gone the cheap route and experienced scary as fuck sides, and since switching to quality products I've had no issues.

Think of it this way: would you rather buy steroids from a guy in a dark alley for $30/vial, or would you rather pay more for quality roids you know are the real deal, and know what you're putting in your body?

Why should research chems be treated any different?

Also, this is simply out of pure curiosity.
Anyone know why SARMs1's MK2866 is double the concentration, and 2/3 the cost -- so effectively 1/3 of the price??

I'm a avid follower of the "you-get-what-you-pay-for" mindset, but that's just ridiculous.
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YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR......Someone should post some compaqrion pics of what those guys are selling.

I only use SS and I have bought them all.
YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR......Someone should post some compaqrion pics of what those guys are selling.

I only use SS and I have bought them all.

Unfortunately not everyone truly believes this...if it means knowing I'm not putting filth in my body, I'm damn willing to spend more. You can't put a price tag on safety, or peace of mind...
You should really go through and read all the stickies here before you take anything. But ill be nice and give you a quick run down on PCT.

So when you take any suppressive PED (all AAS & prohormones, Most SARMs) you shutdown your natural test production. PCT is what we call the therapy after a cycle (post cycle therapy) to help speed up the recovery process. Without a pct you would still probably recover, but it would takes months and months longer for your natural test to be back up to speed. The longer your test levels are lower than normal the longer your gonna feel like shit for (tired, letheargic, depressed, low libido) and the harder it will be to maintain all the new muscle you've just put on. By taking SERMs like nolva and clomid you stimulate the pituatry into bringing back the test production faster.


Appreciate the lesson -- went ahead and read the sticky.

So taking away that Nolva is the recommended standalone PCT for low impact chem like MK2866, and Clomid may be unnecessary? -- the searching I've done is seeming like that this is right, but the Tomxifen on RUI Products is the same as Nolva, correct?

As far as dosing -- I'm taking away 40/20/20/20 from what I've seen online; is this solid advice?
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Good on ya. No worries man.

Yeah that looks good. SARMs like Mk2866 ARE suppressive, but only mildy. If you were to take AAS or PHs they would shut you down completely. As far as we know in most people SARMs only lower your test, not complete shutdown. From what I know it differs from person to person, some people experience no shutdown at all, others get a bit. Thats why you hear about some people running SARMS through PCT, although i dont recommend it unless you KNOW for sure that whichever particular sarm your using doesn't effect you at all. Most people will be effected slightly though, so you'd need bloodwork to find out what they do to you.

So to anwser your question: yes, nolva only will work fine for a SARM only cycle. It can even work for AAS PCTs, but the harder your suppresed I'd prefer to be safer. 40/20/20/20 nolva will do you fine for your PCT though. Nolvadex and Tamoxifen are the same thing, nolva is just the brand name.

Clomid may be unnecessary, but it certainly wouldn't hurt to have it. Some people use clomid as a natural test booster aswell while off cycle, I've seen reports that it can boost natural test up to 150%.

Sorry for rambling on... I get carried away sometimes lol.

Is there any way to get a hold of your other than PM? I don't have enough posts yet to send a PM, and got a SARMsSearch specific issue.