It takes a LONG time to build up noticeable scar tissue. What exactly makes you think you have some? I have been injecting for the better part of a decade, and I have one small quarter sized area of scar tissue in my right quad. I only know it's there because it's very hard to push a needle through it, and it feels like stale cheese/cork if I press into it.
I have had several surgeries that have also left me scar tissue (one in my right shoulder, and aside from the incision marks), it looks identical to my left - even when training delts.
If youre lucky, it may go away if you stop pinning them. You need to rotate sites. I dont like delts, used them to often and lots of nerves there. Pecs are my favorite.
Do you use slin pin for pecs
Do you use slin pin for pecs
I ONLY jab in delts now because in my quads i've hit a nerve once and a lot of pip , iwon't pin them anymore.
Delt no pain , i just hit some veins sometimes but it's ok.
The problem here is , like you said it seems like i have a lot of scar tissue and it's getting hard to put the needle in , it's like it's blocking.
I'm using 5/8 , orange(25g),and jab maximum 2ml at once.
I have no pip etc , but scar tissue i do have for sure , maybe i got them from UGL produtcts i used to jab because i always had pip and even abcess , since i switched to pharma no more problems at all .
If you're as advanced as you should be(Using AAS), you should have enough meat for a nice IM to the pecs. You can rotate between both pecs and the upper, middle, sides, etc. Great field of view, control, and comfort.
@halfwit Ha!! We use the same pins, so awesome. 25 g, 1 inch is very versatile.
The first time i saw an 18 gauge...holy shit.