Scar tissue accumulation in shoulders


New member
hi people
It looks like i have scar tissue accumulation in my delts from jabbing , it make them look a little bigger is it normal? i mean will the scar tissue will go away or no?

If youre lucky, it may go away if you stop pinning them. You need to rotate sites. I dont like delts, used them to often and lots of nerves there. Pecs are my favorite.
Good question here! Sure this applies to more than less of us at certain injection sites. Rotate the hell out of pin sites!
There's not much you can do other cosmetic produces/laser and such, but even that you'll need to have a considerable amount of scarring of any sort for someone to even touch it.. It's just the nature of the game... Time off with rotation seems to be the best method of prevention..

You can consult with a dermo, they may have some options for you in regards to treatments for site scaring, but even that you'll be limited to just about most internal scarring..

You can message the area and over time flatten any scarring, but it won't entirely go away..Site rotation is pivotal!
It takes a LONG time to build up noticeable scar tissue. What exactly makes you think you have some? I have been injecting for the better part of a decade, and I have one small quarter sized area of scar tissue in my right quad. I only know it's there because it's very hard to push a needle through it, and it feels like stale cheese/cork if I press into it.

I have had several surgeries that have also left me scar tissue (one in my right shoulder, and aside from the incision marks), it looks identical to my left - even when training delts.
I have some knots on my glutes that have been there over ten years. I used to be scared of hitting my sciatic nerve when i was a beginner. So i would use a 5/8 syringe and stretched the muscle fascia from not going deep enough. I had my wifes doc. Check the lumps some years back I was straight forward about injecting aas. I was scared it was cancer. He laughed and said it was scar tissue and not to worry about it. But he did say it more than likely wont go away.

I've had in the past while injecting where it feels like I'm pushing through a couple layers of an orange peel. And that scar tissue does go away just have to give those injection sites a break.

Definitely rotate there's plenty of other muscles to use. when I use my delts i never do more than 1-1/2 cc. Per injection. And i use 1 inch 25 guage.
Use the smaller gauges as well. 25 g and up. Less damage and PIP, but slower injection time. This can also decrease soreness because injecting too fast can increase pain.
It takes a LONG time to build up noticeable scar tissue. What exactly makes you think you have some? I have been injecting for the better part of a decade, and I have one small quarter sized area of scar tissue in my right quad. I only know it's there because it's very hard to push a needle through it, and it feels like stale cheese/cork if I press into it.

I have had several surgeries that have also left me scar tissue (one in my right shoulder, and aside from the incision marks), it looks identical to my left - even when training delts.

I ONLY jab in delts now because in my quads i've hit a nerve once and a lot of pip , iwon't pin them anymore.
Delt no pain , i just hit some veins sometimes but it's ok.
The problem here is , like you said it seems like i have a lot of scar tissue and it's getting hard to put the needle in , it's like it's blocking.
I'm using 5/8 , orange(25g),and jab maximum 2ml at once.
I have no pip etc , but scar tissue i do have for sure , maybe i got them from UGL produtcts i used to jab because i always had pip and even abcess , since i switched to pharma no more problems at all .
Scar tissue can heal but it takes alonggg time.You better start rotating sites.Some swear by massaging or using a foam roller to massage scar area helps it heal.Ive never personally confirmed this,so i cant guarantee it works. i have scar tissue in 1 delt and dont go near it.
It does take a long time to build up scar tissue so I would ask as halfwit did. But also as everyone said it take a long very long time for it to grow out if it doses at all.
I use 25 g x 1" or 5/8" for my delts and use 23G x 1" for everything else. I was building up scar tissue in my glutes w/ 22g 1-1/2 long time ago. Switched to 23 and much better , naturally. Scar tissue in my glutes isn't a real problem.

I find that one must have to pin very, very much to build up scar tissue w/ a 25 G. I don't like quads so much. Great for the handling of equipment (both hands) but one leg I always either hit a nerve or a vein and bleed like a fountain under pressure. ( squirt ! ) Funny but ugly and messy.

That's my story, ya know :)
I ONLY jab in delts now because in my quads i've hit a nerve once and a lot of pip , iwon't pin them anymore.
Delt no pain , i just hit some veins sometimes but it's ok.
The problem here is , like you said it seems like i have a lot of scar tissue and it's getting hard to put the needle in , it's like it's blocking.
I'm using 5/8 , orange(25g),and jab maximum 2ml at once.
I have no pip etc , but scar tissue i do have for sure , maybe i got them from UGL produtcts i used to jab because i always had pip and even abcess , since i switched to pharma no more problems at all .

It's possible, and I would definitely look for other sites. Shovel has pointed out one of the best (once you get the hang of it) sites, as it's not only quite forgiving, but also tends to be pretty PIP free.

Pecs are honestly one of my favorite sites, and like Black Beard, I use a 25g 1" there. Unless you have VERY little mass on your chest, the odds of doing any damage are quite low. Just aim around 2-3" above the nipples, in the "meat" of your pectoralis major. :)
If you're as advanced as you should be(Using AAS), you should have enough meat for a nice IM to the pecs. You can rotate between both pecs and the upper, middle, sides, etc. Great field of view, control, and comfort.

@halfwit Ha!! We use the same pins, so awesome. 25 g, 1 inch is very versatile.
If you're as advanced as you should be(Using AAS), you should have enough meat for a nice IM to the pecs. You can rotate between both pecs and the upper, middle, sides, etc. Great field of view, control, and comfort.

@halfwit Ha!! We use the same pins, so awesome. 25 g, 1 inch is very versatile.

Yup. I tried everything from 22 down to 29g, 25 just seems to have the best flow rate while not being a harpoon. :D