Schredder's GHRP6/Sermorelin log


New member
So I wasn't originally going to even do a log on this, but seeing as though Jimithing has one going on virtually the same thing and our dosage and injection times are the same (100mcg of each 3x day, am, post workout, pm) I thought it'd be cool to do one along side his and compare notes.

I am running this alongside an AAS cycle, so I am looking forward to seeing any added benefits these peptides will give my run. I have never ran them before, I have ran igf1 twice before, but thats as far as my peptide experience goes. I am a little late getting this log started as I wasn't sure I was going to do it. I am midway through week two, and I have noticed some things already. The quality of my sleep has improved quite a bit, I generally sleep like complete shit but it wasn't even too long after I started I actually noticed the length and deepness in which I sleep improve quite a bit. I also notice myself being in a slightly better mood throughout the day, I am generally in a good mood all the time, but it seems to be enhanced. I think I might even be losing a little bit of BF, not much though, but I can notice small cuts that I never noticed before, this could be from the AAS too so who really knows. Last but not least, my appetite. I don't notice any effect whatsoever immediately upon wakenin, I usually have a hard time eating right away when I get up and the 6 has not helped that. But, the more I eat the worse my hunger gets, so by the end of the day I can kill a meal every hour, its ridiculous. Its to the point I am waking up in the middle of the night because my stomach is growling and I cant get back to sleep unless I go eat. This isn't a big deal to me, I actually like it as I am blessed with a very fast metabolism and don't really gain that much fat ever, no matter what my diet is. Now I eat sensible and follow diet but if I want to kill some chicken in the middle of the night then I do just that. Im also not sure if its the peptide or the fact I have been eating in the middle of the night but I have been waking up much fuller than usual.

So that whats up so far, I wont be updating this log daily but will be updating it frequently and also as things change or I notice any changes in how things are going.
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Hey Schredder, thx for the log. I have been on a 6 week cycle of Serm/GHRP2/GHRP6 and my IGF-1 numbers are great. The sad part is that is disappointing me at every turn. Who do you use for peps and could they do a Serm/GHRP2/GHRP6 in an auto pen cartridge ? Thx for any help.

So yesterday i noticed the hunger in full effect, right from the minute i woke up, i couldnt eat enough to stay full throughout the day, im takin a few days rest from the gym so its growing time. I notice a lot more veins and skin seems to be a bit tighter and thinner around the abdomen and arms most noticeably. My skin also looks healthier and last night i slept for 7 hours solid, something i havent done in years. So sleep quality has improved big time, which is a huge bonus for me as i tend to sleep like shit and have for a long time.
Hey Schredder, thx for the log. I have been on a 6 week cycle of Serm/GHRP2/GHRP6 and my IGF-1 numbers are great. The sad part is that is disappointing me at every turn. Who do you use for peps and could they do a Serm/GHRP2/GHRP6 in an auto pen cartridge ? Thx for any help.


Answer #1
Sorry, but i cant say who i get them from

Answer #2
No they do not have that
Right in Bigben!! Glad to have you aboard!

So another awesome sleep last night, i actually feel refreshed when i wake up now, something i havent felt in a ling time. One thing i am noticing though, is my skin seems a lot healthier as i had mentioned, but it also has a bit more color to it since starting this stack, seems strange to me. Either way, the girlfriend says i looked a bit younger the other day lol.
So no drastic changes. The only thing is my hunger keep increasing, i feel like i have a bottomless pit. Sleep is still great, im actually falling asleep a lot quicker lately as well, VERY vivid dreams throughout the night though. I wish there were something to stop this, ive always been a dreamer but it seems enhanced now. Last day of work today, so time to kill the gym the next 7 days!!
The longer your on 6 the worst it gets i gained 6lbs in a month. It was insane hunger, uncontrollable. Are you bulking?
The longer your on 6 the worst it gets i gained 6lbs in a month. It was insane hunger, uncontrollable. Are you bulking?

Yes sir i am bulking, a clean bulk this time around though. I am shooting for as much lean muscle mass as i can get. The strange thing i am noticing though is even with my hunger being out of control basically, i am staying very lean, ive lost a significant amount of BF around my abdomen area. I am always fairly lean lean due to an insanely fast metabolism, but even with calories and carbs quite high, ive actually dropped 1.5lbs since starting this stack. I couldnt care less what the scale says, i dont mean it negatively, the mirror doesnt lie and thats my gauge on how things are going. Im running a few different compounds, and im holding next to no water and have zero bloat. I cant say for certain is directly caused by the GH effects of this stack, but it make sense that it would have something to do with it. Ive ran these compound before with a fairly similar diet and didnt look the way i do now. I am pleased with the way thins are going for sure.
I had almost the same exact experience. Maybe 1 pound of mine was fat the rest was pure muscle. I Had Just Come Off A Very strict cut, so I'm sure my body was wanting to put a little muscle back on but 5 pounds of muscle in a month is outrageous. Hopefully it'll do the same for you. It's off to a good start.
Ya thats crazy, i ran a carb cycle (nutritional prime) for 4 weeks right before i started this bulk, and the amount of lean muscle im putting on is just crazy, and still saying lean. I havent had a cycle work this good and im only on week 4, the roundness and fullness is retarded, i look in the mirror at the gym and almost cant even believe what im seeing lol, fuckin rights!!!!!!
Been feeling a little fatigued the last couple days, I am assuming it has more to do with the fact I am in the process of moving and really haven't stopped the last few day for any down time. I had a good sleep last night but the previous two nights weren't so good. I am having very vivid dreams throughout the whole night. Something I have been wondering though and Im wondering if anyone can chime in on this, Bone, you might be able to as you have ran peptide cycle before. Is the fact the I am dreaming so much affecting my sleep and recovery? Sometimes the dreams are so real ill wake up sweating or freaked out that it actually was real until I come to my senses, Ive always had vivid dreams for as long as I can remember, I just seems way worse now. I also wonder if there is anything that is recommended to combat this as Id really like to get a good 8 hr sleep in and actually rest and not be off in another land somewhere, lol.
As people age they may not have an easy time getting into a deep enough sleep to have dreams. If your having dreams then you are resting well. Waking up from them does disrupt that deep restful sleep though. If you can fall right back to sleep I wouldn't worry bout it.
As people age they may not have an easy time getting into a deep enough sleep to have dreams. If your having dreams then you are resting well. Waking up from them does disrupt that deep restful sleep though. If you can fall right back to sleep I wouldn't worry bout it.

Interesting, thanks for the reply anzel. Ya when Im sleeping im in another world altogether, like even an alarm wont wake me up sometimes, the girlfriend has to hit me to wake me up cuz shes getting annoyed with the alarm lol. Ya if I do wake up, which isn't all the time, I usual take a leak then im out cold again. That's good to know!