Hello everyone,
First of all thank you Schredder for this very informative and detailed log. I have spent the last two hours reading every bit of info that you have mentioned, along with the other reputable gentlemen over here. It is nice to hear from the pros who keep it real and who humble themselves to others. So thank you once again, I hope you keep this log alive even after you are done this cycle.
One question, you have mentioned that you would pick a test/deca/mast over a test/tren/mast cycle for bulking. Do you mind elaborating a bit on that. As far as I know, tren is great for putting on mass even on a shy caloric surplus, or even on maintenance calories. So I can only imagine the capabilities of tren to add on lean and quality mass if it was to accompany a 1000+ surplus calories!
Thank you in advance
You will add
more mass on a deca cycle, though it's tough to say if it'd be more muscle or just more overall...mass.
FWIW, the most actual growth/mass I put on was with a fairly simple cycle:
test 250mg E3D
eq 300mg E3D
anadrol 50mg ED
Probably put on over 30lbs and kept 10-12 over 4-5 months...without any GH or insulin
More recently, I stayed leaner and preferred this...still gained ~10lbs of muscle in 3-4 months:
test 375mg EOD
tren 200mg EOD
anadrol 50-100mg ED first eight weeks
waited four weeks then sdrol 20mg ED last four weeks
+ AM peptides: 100mcg ED (each: mod grf 1-29 + ghrp-2), wait 10mins then 5iu (upped mid way to 10) GH
+ insulin preWO: 8-12iu humalog on back, leg and sometimes chest days w/ 100g HBCD/25g peptopro (homemade plazma)
+ igf1-lr3 postWO: 30-50mcg four weeks on/four off
+ during the 'off' of igf1 I added 10iu humulinR postWO on the big bodypart days instead
+ metformin 2x 850mg/d (meals 3 and 6 of 8)
Always the usual ancillaries (aromasin, cialis, nac, tudca, coq10, omega3 and carditone)
I workout in the mornings so the peptides/GH then slin are timed pretty nicely in that regard...not sure the IGF-1 was worthwhile but w/e