Schredders summer training journal

Hit some legs today, switched up quads a bit and did TWO variations of a leg extension just to try something different, and threw a new machine in for the hamstrings.

MTS iso lateral leg extension 4 sets
LifeFitness leg extension 3 sets
Leg press 3 sets (rep scheme was one 10 sec push then 3 normal reps done three times over for a total of 12 reps each set) Talk about a BURN, WOW!!!!

HS plate loaded leg curl, I have never used this as it has always look awkward to me but I tried it and its actually a great machine, 4 sets of these with a drop on last set
Lying leg curls 3 sets
Adductor machine 3 sets

Seated calf press 3 sets 15 reps each
Standing calf raise 3 sets 15 reps each
Hit some back today. Short and sweet.

WG cable pulldowns 4 sets drop on last set worked up to 225
HS iso lateral high pull 4 sets worked up to 3 plates a side
DB rows 3 sets 105s
HS row 3 sets worked up to 3 plates a side
BB shrugs 4 sets worked up to 315
Machine rows (done on shrug machine) 3 sets two plates, kept it light just to force some extra blood into the lats
Bent over DB reverse flys 3 sets 20s

Chest is up next!