SD cycle, are my supporting supps and post cycle therapy (pct) right?


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SD cycle, are my supporting supps and pct right?

hi guys, i am 33, 5'9" 135lbs about 5% bf, i was thinking about doing a cycle of SD before i do my first IM cycle. would this be wise or should i do my test and dbol cycle first? this is my first cycle
here is my lineup of supporting supps, please tell me how it looks

ill preload for a week before

milk thistle 1000mg
hawthorn 1000mg
policosanol 20mg
red yeast rice 1200mg
NAC 600mg
ALA 100mg
garlic 500mg
saw palmetto 1000mg
salmon oil 1000mg
CoQ-10 50mg
vit C 2000mg

for post cycle therapy (pct) ill be running supporting supps+

Rebound XT
Tribulus 1000mg
fenugreek 1200mg
and ill prolly get some nolva to have on hand

i havent got the rebound XT or Tribulus yet, and i was wondering, do i need to run 6oxo and 7oxo also or am i good how it stands?

also, ive been using NO xplode and cell mass, will i be fine taking them while on?

thanks guys
cryptkeeper said:
would this be wise or should i do my test and dbol cycle first?

Personally I would skip the Superdrol all together and just go with the testosterone. Others will disagree and have had good success with SD but I simply think that it is not worthwhile to put yourself up to all of those negative side effects when testosterone would actually be safer for you in my opinion.

cryptkeeper said:
here is my lineup of supporting supps, please tell me how it looks

ill preload for a week before

milk thistle 1000mg
hawthorn 1000mg
policosanol 20mg
red yeast rice 1200mg
NAC 600mg
ALA 100mg
garlic 500mg
saw palmetto 1000mg
salmon oil 1000mg
CoQ-10 50mg
vit C 2000mg

Looks good to me.

cryptkeeper said:
for post cycle therapy (pct) ill be running supporting supps+

Rebound XT
Tribulus 1000mg
fenugreek 1200mg
and ill prolly get some nolva to have on hand

DEFINITELY get some nolvadex to run for post cycle therapy (pct). Without it, it really isn't much of a post cycle therapy (pct). Also, for what purpose are you running the tribulus for? If it is for anything other then libido enhancement it is likely a waste of money.

cryptkeeper said:
do i need to run 6oxo and 7oxo also or am i good how it stands?

Get some nolvadex to run and there will be no need for those in my opinion.

cryptkeeper said:
also, ive been using NO xplode and cell mass, will i be fine taking them while on?

Yep, nothing wrong with continuing to use those while on cycle. Nothing negative will happen if you do.
thanks for the help, so if i just say f the SD and do my test dbol cycle, should i take these supporting supps with it, as a good measure? ill be running nolvadex and clomid for PCT, should i get HCG or will those two be enough?

thanks again
The supplements you listed would be enough for a testosterone cycle as well. As for the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), it could be beneficial if you run it during your cycle but it is not completely necessary as long as you don't stay on too long.
ill be running 10 weeks 2ml a week, weeks 1-4 35-45mg dbol, should i wait til the cycle is done for the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), or how much and when should i take it during?

thanks again for all the help
That cycle looks good. You could drop the d-bol but it's up to you. As for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), I never recommend that guys run it during post cycle therapy (pct). Some disagree but I think it actually hurts, not helps. However running it on cycle will help with your recovery post-cycle. I would run it twice per week (Monday and Thursday or Sunday and Wednesday or something similar), 300-500ius per shot. Begin it halfway through your first week or at the start of your second week on cycle. Your last shot should be done 4-7 days before you begin post cycle therapy (pct).

That's my opinion. There are a million different ways you can run it but that is what has worked consistently for me.
allright then, ill take your advice on the HCG.

now i just have to get over my fear of needles:lol:

thanks again, youve been a big help