Sdrol lower back cramps


New member
What causes the lower back cramps? Is it damage being done to the kidneys or just some weird side effect of this powerful ph?
Not sure if your talking about lower back pumps from workouts. I got these on it, as well as with dbol. 5g of taurine preworkout helps a lot. Make sure your drinking a ton of water when on that stuff. Are you taking liver protection?
Well it seemed to be the worst during workout bad that I would have to lie down on the bench for a minute. I had heard that it was caused by the kidneys working overtime. Ofcourse I was cycling hdrol and sdrol together which I am sure made it worse. Went off of the sdrol and one day later it was fine.

I knew the back pumps were an issue with sdrol but didn't know what caused it.
Ive had the back cramps on sdrol and m1t.... Id take potasium pills and it would knock them out almost completely.
Noted...potassium and taurine. So you do you guys think it has something to do with kidney function???? No one seems to have an answer for what causes the back pumps.
Also... I know this is kind of off topic but sdrol can be rough on lipids. Can a statin such as crestor or lipitor keep these values in check???
Noted...potassium and taurine. So you do you guys think it has something to do with kidney function???? No one seems to have an answer for what causes the back pumps.

I can't answer that question for you. I will say its in your best interest to drink a lot of water every day.

Also... I know this is kind of off topic but sdrol can be rough on lipids. Can a statin such as crestor or lipitor keep these values in check???

Probably but I personally wouldn't start off with something like that just for a cycle unless the doc already has you on it for high cholesterol. I would try something like n2guard on cycle first and get bloodwork done.