Second Cycle (Advice needed)


New member
Just looking for advice on my next cycle, I'm planning to run a test e/deca blend with the test dosed @ 300mg and deca @ 100mg. I'm looking to run this cycle for 10 weeks and the last 4 weeks throw in hcg @ 2x per week (250iu x 2). Pct consist of clomid and nolva, clomid @ 100/100/50/50 and nolva at 40/40/20/20. Please give me some helpful advice if needed. Thanks in advance!
Why even bother? Your doses are really low. You won't even notice the Deca at 100mg/wk.

Have you considered the difference in the esters for determining when to stop the test and Deca prior to PCT?

hCG should be run from Day 1 up until a few days before PCT.

10 weeks is not enough time for Deca given the ester. Switch to NPP if you are going to keep the cycle this short.

What DA will you have on hand or run?

Any AI?

Age? Height? Weight? Body fat %?

What was your first cycle and how did pre, mid and post cycle blood work look?

How will you stop the Deca before the test if you are using a blend?
Yes im hoping you just told us the mg/ml dosses, not your weekly doses (but i doubt it). Answer the above questions so we can help you man.
Just looking for advice on my next cycle, I'm planning to run a test e/deca blend with the test dosed @ 300mg and deca @ 100mg. I'm looking to run this cycle for 10 weeks and the last 4 weeks throw in hcg @ 2x per week (250iu x 2). Pct consist of clomid and nolva, clomid @ 100/100/50/50 and nolva at 40/40/20/20. Please give me some helpful advice if needed. Thanks in advance!

How are you going to proceed with this?
What is NPP? And my first cycle I just ran a basic test e only cycle to see how my body would adapt @ 500mg weekly. I plan to use Anastrozole during cycle 0.5cc EOD. My first cycle I didn't run any hcg so they recovery took longer, went and got bloodwork a month after pct and test levels were stable and the doc said everything else looked good as well
What is NPP? And my first cycle I just ran a basic test e only cycle to see how my body would adapt @ 500mg weekly. I plan to use Anastrozole during cycle 0.5cc EOD. My first cycle I didn't run any hcg so they recovery took longer, went and got bloodwork a month after pct and test levels were stable and the doc said everything else looked good as well

Can you please answer all the questions in Post #2?

NPP is a short estered form of Nandrolone. Deca is a long estered form of Nandrolone. At the top of your screen is a button for Steroid Profiles. I would encourage you to read them.
What is NPP? And my first cycle I just ran a basic test e only cycle to see how my body would adapt @ 500mg weekly. I plan to use Anastrozole during cycle 0.5cc EOD. My first cycle I didn't run any hcg so they recovery took longer, went and got bloodwork a month after pct and test levels were stable and the doc said everything else looked good as well

We cant help if you dont answer the questions bro. Its info we need to try to give you solid advice and opinions man.
He's probably too young and doesn't want any shit from you mean ass vets on here. When a guy will not give out his stats he's hiding something.

Answer the Q's and we'll advise. Don't then bye, bye I for one don't want to be disrespected and waste my time