Second Cycle Advice please!


New member
Hey Guys!

Okay so I'm planning on running my second cycle.

Im 28 been lifting for 11 years. I'm 180lbs, 10% bf. I have an excellent diet and sleep patterns.

So I plan on running test e for 9 weeks 250mg first and last week and 500mg weeks 2-8. Im going to run anadrol for 5 weeks 50mg ed. I'm thinking an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like armidex for gyno. And running proviron with the test. And pct of nova and colmid. Not sure about hcg. Some advice and feedback would be awesome!
I think you should keep it simple and run the test 500mg every week bro. Run the cycle 10 weeks and run aromasine not adex throughout the cycle. Type 2 ai's are much better for on cycle long term use then adex or letro. Your pct is extremely weak but most peoples pct is as they listen to the masses who have been using the same crap for ever. I am not even going to give my pct advice because I dont feel like hearing it tonight lol. maybe another day. You can search my name and pct if you are interested though.
Okay so I would run 500mg every week. Maybe a 11-12 week cycle? And I ran test e 500mg every week. Dianabol 50mg ed for 5 weeks and colmid and nolva pct
Look at 12 weeks and if you were happy with gains on test e alone, great. If not, maybe deca and test? That's what I am doing and very happy. However it would come with other/more planning and research on your part...
Iv done my research and Im still planning. That is why I'm here. I got great gains off of test e and dbol. this time I'm going to run Adrol instead of dbol. So my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) would be aromasine. Would proviron add well to the cycle. And why is nolva and colmid week pct?
Nolva and clomid weak PCT? That's new to me, but I'm here to be educated.
No experience with proviron, so maybe someone else will chime in.
So test e 500mg a week 10 weeks
Anadrol 50mg ed 5 weeks
What should my dose for Aromasin be and how long?
When should I run proviron?
And no colmid cause of aromasin? Keep nolva too?