Quick stats
23 years old
5'5" ~175 pounds
Bench 265, Squat 350, Deadlift 405
Lifting for 5 years this winter
1 Previous cycle, Test E @ 600mg/w for 12.5 weeks (More weight gain (20 pounds) than strength but helped me break some plateaus)
Looking into my next cycle to start my winter bulk.
1-4 & 11-14 SDrol Clone @ 30mg daily
1-10 Deca @ 360mg
1-12 Test E @ 625mg
13-14 Test P @ 100mg EOD
5-14 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) @ 250iu 2x week
15-18 Clomid @ 50mg
1-18 Aromasin @ 12.5 EOD (adjusting as needed)
1-18 Caber @ .25mg 2x a week (adjusting as needed)
Figure the 4 weeks of only test at the end will allow the deca to leave the system before post cycle therapy (pct), the Prop allows the test to stay elevated right up until PCT as the Enth clears, Superdrol kicker as well as finisher when I drop the deca end of cycle. I was told not to use Nolva with Deca so I'm leaving it out of the cycle completely, using the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and caber to control gyno.
Using Sdrol because DBol gave me too many sides and let's face it, SDrol is cheap!
Any thoughts to this madness?
23 years old
5'5" ~175 pounds
Bench 265, Squat 350, Deadlift 405
Lifting for 5 years this winter
1 Previous cycle, Test E @ 600mg/w for 12.5 weeks (More weight gain (20 pounds) than strength but helped me break some plateaus)
Looking into my next cycle to start my winter bulk.
1-4 & 11-14 SDrol Clone @ 30mg daily
1-10 Deca @ 360mg
1-12 Test E @ 625mg
13-14 Test P @ 100mg EOD
5-14 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) @ 250iu 2x week
15-18 Clomid @ 50mg
1-18 Aromasin @ 12.5 EOD (adjusting as needed)
1-18 Caber @ .25mg 2x a week (adjusting as needed)
Figure the 4 weeks of only test at the end will allow the deca to leave the system before post cycle therapy (pct), the Prop allows the test to stay elevated right up until PCT as the Enth clears, Superdrol kicker as well as finisher when I drop the deca end of cycle. I was told not to use Nolva with Deca so I'm leaving it out of the cycle completely, using the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and caber to control gyno.
Using Sdrol because DBol gave me too many sides and let's face it, SDrol is cheap!
Any thoughts to this madness?