Second Cycle Advice Test E/Deca/Superdrol


New member
Quick stats
23 years old
5'5" ~175 pounds
Bench 265, Squat 350, Deadlift 405
Lifting for 5 years this winter
1 Previous cycle, Test E @ 600mg/w for 12.5 weeks (More weight gain (20 pounds) than strength but helped me break some plateaus)

Looking into my next cycle to start my winter bulk.

1-4 & 11-14 SDrol Clone @ 30mg daily
1-10 Deca @ 360mg
1-12 Test E @ 625mg
13-14 Test P @ 100mg EOD
5-14 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) @ 250iu 2x week
15-18 Clomid @ 50mg
1-18 Aromasin @ 12.5 EOD (adjusting as needed)
1-18 Caber @ .25mg 2x a week (adjusting as needed)

Figure the 4 weeks of only test at the end will allow the deca to leave the system before post cycle therapy (pct), the Prop allows the test to stay elevated right up until PCT as the Enth clears, Superdrol kicker as well as finisher when I drop the deca end of cycle. I was told not to use Nolva with Deca so I'm leaving it out of the cycle completely, using the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and caber to control gyno.

Using Sdrol because DBol gave me too many sides and let's face it, SDrol is cheap!

Any thoughts to this madness?
I don't know enough at this stage to pass any comment to you mate, you're cycle is way to advanced for but I wish you good luck!

Any chance you would be willing to help run my first cycle? Here's a list of what I have;
Test e

I have some thought process about how to run it but would prefer some knowledge form the more experienced head.

My stats are 27yrs old
Keen rugby player until I tore PCL in my knee
currently lost some weight so sitting around 202lbs
heights is 6ft 3 and have been lifting now for around 5 years

Any advice would be great,

Sup bro, deca needs to be run longer than 10wks, 12wks minimum. If I were you this is what I would do...

Wks 1-16 Test E 625mg
Wks 1-14 Deca 360mg
Wks 1-4 and 14-18 Superdrol 30mg ed
Wks 1-18 250iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 2x a wk
Wks 18-22 Clomid 50/50/50/50
Wks 1-18 Aromasin 12.5 ed
Wks 1-18 caber .25 2x a wk
I was thinking about running the cycle a little longer, but I heard the gains drop off from deca after 10-12 weeks. If I went out to 12, I could always go 320 deca 600 test (rather than buying a new vial for only a few ml's worth).

Any reasoning behind the higher Aromasin dosing? I've heard 12.5 eod (6.25ed otherwise) was enough at least at first to gauge the E2 suppression.

Updating to 12 weeks on Deca:
1-4 & 12-15 SDrol Clone @ 30mg daily
1-12 Deca @ 320mg
1-12 Test E @ 625mg
13-15 Test P @ 100mg EOD
6-15 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) @ 250iu 2x week
16-19 Clomid @ 50mg
1-19 Aromasin @ 12.5 EOD (adjusting as needed)
1-19 Caber @ .25mg 2x a week (adjusting as needed)
I was thinking about running the cycle a little longer, but I heard the gains drop off from deca after 10-12 weeks. If I went out to 12, I could always go 320 deca 600 test (rather than buying a new vial for only a few ml's worth).

Any reasoning behind the higher Aromasin dosing? I've heard 12.5 eod (6.25ed otherwise) was enough at least at first to gauge the E2 suppression.

Updating to 12 weeks on Deca:
1-4 & 12-15 SDrol Clone @ 30mg daily
1-12 Deca @ 320mg
1-12 Test E @ 625mg
13-15 Test P @ 100mg EOD
6-15 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) @ 250iu 2x week
16-19 Clomid @ 50mg
1-19 Aromasin @ 12.5 EOD (adjusting as needed)
1-19 Caber @ .25mg 2x a week (adjusting as needed)

you should drop those at stop of PCT.
you should drop those at stop of PCT.

That's exactly what I have planned, unless you meant at the beginning of it. From what I know, Clomid increases Estro so it wouldn't be a great idea to stop Aromasin on post cycle therapy (pct), in fact, it increases IGF making it more ideal for PCT
your a bit young for a cycle bro.. thats straight up.. but meathead gave you a nice set up imo
your a bit young for a cycle bro.. thats straight up.. but meathead gave you a nice set up imo

This is actually my second cycle that I'm planning out for next year. I've read most of the stuff about age, researched a lot about PCT and all the horror stories. I recovered very well after my first cycle so I'm willing to dabble again. Especially while using HCG. I actually run GHRP6 and CJC1295w/o DAC all year round so my IGF levels are also constantly elevated, which I attribute to my solid PCT last cycle.

He did give me a good set up, however he neglected to mention where to use the Prop as a bridge to post cycle therapy (pct). I edited what I was planning in a later post as well if anyone has any advice on the new cycle.
Personally, I'd drop the superdrol. It is rough on anyone and there are other orals that work better without making you feel like crap. And looking at the 3 main compounds you are favoring, I would run different esters on the injectables. Would run test prop instead of enanthate. NPP instead of regular Deca, and switch the sdrol to either tbol or anadrol.

I'm not saying you are way off. Just telling you what and how I would run some of the stuff you have planned. Also, I never want to take such strong ancillaries like Caber or Prami unless it's necessary. And unless you have tried Deca or tren before, there is no way to know for sure if you need those extras. Just my thoughts. Good luck with your run.
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Personally, I'd drop the superdrol. It is rough on anyone and there are other orals that work better without making you feel like crap. And looking at the 3 main compounds you are favoring, I would run different esters on the injectables. Would run test prop instead of enanthate. NPP instead of regular Deca, and switch the sdrol to either tbol or anadrol.

I've actually run SDrol before, when it wasn't banned by the FDA yet. I love how powerful it is and I tolerated the sides really well. Definitely running a lot of liver support when/if I use it. I tried a DBol kicker last cycle but I really hated how I felt on it. Especially considering that SDrol is half the price and twice as anabolic as DBol, I really feel like it's superior mg to mg.

As far as switching to Prop and NPP, would you get the same kind of mass and strength gains as Enth and Deca? From what I've read Deca and NPP are really pretty different in what they do, and I've always heard that the long esters typically result in higher quality (and sustainable) gains. Especially, yet again, when you consider price and turning yourself into a human pincushion.

I'm not saying you are way off. Just telling you what and how I would run some of the stuff you have planned. Also, I never want to take such strong ancillaries like Caber or Prami unless it's necessary. And unless you have tried Deca or tren before, there is no way to know for sure if you need those extras. Just my thoughts. Good luck with your run.

As far as the Caber, just like my Aromatase inhibitor (AI), I would much rather have it on hand than have to wait a few weeks to get it, especially with Deca and its long ester. Worse case scenario I don't need it and I'm out a few bucks. Even then, I've heard Caber can do magical things to your sexual abilities even off cycle.

I do appreciate the feedback, I'd really have to look more into the NPP and Prop combo, as I've always heard of people using Enth and Deca as the age old mass building combo.

Last thought, how does ADrol stack up to DBol as far as sides versus gains. On DBol, I bloated WAY up (even on relatively high Adex), had some issues with blood pressure and SUPER sore nips (which caused me to drop the DBol and pop Nolva for a week). I know TBol is relatively mild, but I'm looking for a high quality kicker and backloader for this cycle. Was thinking I could change out the end of the cycle for Winstrol (winny) but I've heard some bad shit about that as well.
I would personally just stick with something easier if this is your second cycle. pinning prop and npp that often gets old real fast. I know some people love pinning, but my last cycle was just a simple test prop cycle, and by the end of it, i was so glad i didnt have to pin anymore. Atleast with deca and test e you're only pinning twice a week. it's fool-proof.

DBol + Deca is probably gonna be Bloat City. I was gonna run this too, but changed my mind because of that. I would prob go for tbol.

My .02 cents
That's exactly what I have planned, unless you meant at the beginning of it. From what I know, Clomid increases Estro so it wouldn't be a great idea to stop Aromasin on post cycle therapy (pct), in fact, it increases IGF making it more ideal for PCT

Well, from "what you know" may not be correct.
I would personally just stick with something easier if this is your second cycle. pinning prop and npp that often gets old real fast. I know some people love pinning, but my last cycle was just a simple test prop cycle, and by the end of it, i was so glad i didnt have to pin anymore. Atleast with deca and test e you're only pinning twice a week. it's fool-proof.

DBol + Deca is probably gonna be Bloat City. I was gonna run this too, but changed my mind because of that. I would prob go for tbol.

My .02 cents

That's definitely more along the lines of what I was thinking. My first cycle I was excited to pin, up until week 5-6... then it got old haha. I didn't get bad bloat my first cycle of test @ 600, except towards the end of the 4 week dbol kicker. That's why I was planning to use a good amount of Aromatase inhibitor (AI) this time around. How would TBol stack up against SDrol in terms of raw strength and lean muscle gains?

Well, from "what you know" may not be correct.

Are you referring to dropping the Aromisin or that Clomid increases estrogen?
It's pretty common to retain a decent amount of water of Deca as well as Dbol, so combining the two will compound the side effect i'm sure. Simply taking more and more Aromatase inhibitor (AI) just to offset the water isn't the solution. If i were to do this, i would prob just drink tons of water and minimize sodium usage.
Tbol is like dbol but a little weaker in strength gains and very minimal water retention. Not to mention it is a lot less toxic on your liver than dbol or sdrol. Lots of people like tbol as well. My friend is currently on it and he's loving the pumps and strength while keeping tight.
It's pretty common to retain a decent amount of water of Deca as well as Dbol, so combining the two will compound the side effect i'm sure. Simply taking more and more Aromatase inhibitor (AI) just to offset the water isn't the solution. If i were to do this, i would prob just drink tons of water and minimize sodium usage.
Tbol is like dbol but a little weaker in strength gains and very minimal water retention. Not to mention it is a lot less toxic on your liver than dbol or sdrol. Lots of people like tbol as well. My friend is currently on it and he's loving the pumps and strength while keeping tight.

What is your friends dosing schedule like? I thought T-Bol had to be run pretty high to get some good results out of it, but never touched it myself.

I'm always chugging water, ex-military and living in AZ definitely instills hydration into me haha.