Second cycle downer


The 'Ology Man Whore
cant get my hands on what i want for my second cycle. so i bit the bullet and ordered what i can. might make it into a long cycle. ive been seeing people been running almost 16ish weeks on test. so im picking up Test500 with dbol.

Test 500mg a week 16 weeks
Dbol 50mg a day for 6 weeks
clomid for 18+ 60/40/20/20

hopefully ill have it by next week.
you mistaken the area.

trust me, you have to concider you're nowhere to run anything else than testo alone.

no more than 12 weeks.

but your main problem i'm seeing through your posts, is certainly your way of life.

healthy diet, and forget some bad use of cigarets and some rec-drugs are the more important points you have to manage before to do anything. IMHO.
yeah i know my way of life isn't the greatest. but I'm in perfect shape. Doctor says better than he sees a lot of people my age. I'm trying to quit the cigarettes, it's a pain in the ass process. I'm only smoking 2 cigarettes a day as of now. which is a great improvement from 1 pack a day. Indeed i could quit smoking herbs, but it helps me keep relaxed and stable. its better than taking 50 million different types of prescriptions that a doctor prescribes. Mostly all the medications i was given would make me into a zombie, or in fact something worse. With the herbs, I don't need anything else. just a couple of hits here an there and I'm good throughout the day. Let alone i can sleep pretty damn well when i do smoke.
go back to the doctor and get a prescription for wellbutrin with that pill one a day in 3 weeks you'll stop smoking for sure,;) and like kane said test only cycle for now and a good diet,..check out Z line cheap and effective.
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ha, was on wellbutrin man, shit made me depressed as hell. ive been on practically every single kind of anti-depressant, anxiety medication there is out there. shit just made it worse. at one point i was hospitalized cause of the medication, put me into epileptic shock. I'm done paying my doctor 800$ per visit for only 30 minutes, just to get me fucked over once again with some useless medication im stuck paying for. when i can spend 50$ on some herbs an be happy for a week.
What's worse....

1 pack of cigs a day...and hitting the gym..
1 pack of cigs a day...and hitting the couch.