Second cycle help


New member
I am getting ready for my second cycle at the end of the month. First cycle was dbol Winstrol (winny) test e. Second cycle looks like this.

1-16 test e 500mg
1-14 deca 400mg
1-4 superdrol 20mg.
1-18 12.5mg aromasin
1-16 caber .5mg e3d
18-19 40mg nolva clomid 50mg
20-21 20mg nolva 50mg clomid

i have questions in regards to hcg. i am gyno prone and i was reading that Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) can cause gyno flare up because of elevated estro levels. but ive also read that low doses such as 500iu 2xwk will be okay. also not sure which is more beneficial running thoughout cycle or blasting. ive read that its not good to run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for long periods of time, but also am worried about blasting because of elevated estro again. just would like some clarity on this. and any other cycle critiques would be helpful. thank you.
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Dbol for 14 weeks at 400mg a week? Thats gotta be a typo

the only reason I run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on cycle is to keep my sperm count up because I am planning on having kids. Other then that I would say the blast phase is more beneficial in recovery. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) run for long periods of time is ok...its extrememly high dosages that can get you into trouble.
Please don't do 14 weeks of dbol including superdrol !
1-16 test
1-6 dbol
Ai +pct.

No need for both orals.
I think your confused lol. i did dbol the first cycle for 4 weeks, i am running sdrol my next cycle coming up for 4 weeks, i am running teste 16 and deca 14.

ok well your the one who typed it wrong
I am getting ready for my second cycle at the end of the month. First cycle was dbol Winstrol (winny) test e. 1-10 test 1-4 dbol 8-12 Winstrol (winny). Second cycle looks like this.
1-16 test e 500mg
1-14 deca 400mg
1-4 superdrol 20mg.
1-18 12.5mg aromasin
18-19 40mg nolva clomid 50mg
20-21 20mg nolva 50mg clomid

I questions in regards to hcg. i am gyno prone and i was reading that Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) can cause gyno flare up because of elevated estro levels. but ive also read that low doses such as 500iu 2xwk will be okay. also not sure which is more beneficial running thoughout cycle or blasting. ive read that its not good to run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for long periods of time, but also am worried about blasting because of elevated estro again. just would like some clarity on this. and any other cycle critiques would be helpful. thank you.

If you don't want gyno flare ups. You can start at a low dose of 250 ew for 3 weeks. And up dose accordingly. Make sure ure using Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) along with nolva . And of course standard PCT
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If you don't want gyno flare ups. You can start at a low dose of 250 ed for 3 weeks. And start it 1 week before cycle ends. Make sure ure using Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) along with nolva . And of course standard PCT

dont use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) with serms
a low dose would be 250 a wk. not ed. 250 2x a wk is pretty common. i dont even use it but i dont go longer than 10wks so its different.

I would start the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) wk 2, @ 250 a wk, than in wk3 goto 250 2x a wk and stay there til your taking clomid/nolva. as mentioned theres is no need for both orals so pick one. and you may want pick up bottle of caber for the deca dick. i like EQ better, tons of veins and strength, very very fun stuff. look into it.
a low dose would be 250 a wk. not ed. 250 2x a wk is pretty common. i dont even use it but i dont go longer than 10wks so its different.

I would start the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) wk 2, @ 250 a wk, than in wk3 goto 250 2x a wk and stay there til your taking clomid/nolva. as mentioned theres is no need for both orals so pick one. and you may want pick up bottle of caber for the deca dick. i like EQ better, tons of veins and strength, very very fun stuff. look into it.

ok im not sure where your going with this...why is it different for you at 10 weeks? and why wait for the second week to use hcg?

caber on hand is good but if you know how to control your estrogen then you should only need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) with deca.
a low dose would be 250 a wk. not ed. 250 2x a wk is pretty common. i dont even use it but i dont go longer than 10wks so its different.

I would start the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) wk 2, @ 250 a wk, than in wk3 goto 250 2x a wk and stay there til your taking clomid/nolva. as mentioned theres is no need for both orals so pick one. and you may want pick up bottle of caber for the deca dick. i like EQ better, tons of veins and strength, very very fun stuff. look into it.

Thanks for the correction rat.
Typo u_u.
i edited my post seems it might of been a lil confusing, i wasnt running more than one oral. im only running sdrol for 4 wks. i also forgot to add caber in there as well.
so start Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) week 2 at 250iu wk
wk 3 -18 250iu 2wk for the rest of cycle till post cycle therapy (pct)? will aromasin help with the gyno then?
i edited my post seems it might of been a lil confusing, i wasnt running more than one oral. im only running sdrol for 4 wks. i also forgot to add caber in there as well.
so start hcg week 2 at 250iu wk
wk 3 -18 250iu 2wk for the rest of cycle till post cycle therapy (pct)? will aromasin help with the gyno then?

Aromasin helps with the estrogen levels during cycle. Obviously putting a lot of Test in your body will increase the estrogen levels to maintain homeostasis. Aromasin keeps estrogen low. I heard Adex blocks it all off but you need some estrogen to grow. So yes, it can help with gyno.
Aromasin helps with the estrogen levels during cycle. Obviously putting a lot of Test in your body will increase the estrogen levels to maintain homeostasis. Aromasin keeps estrogen low. I heard Adex blocks it all off but you need some estrogen to grow. So yes, it can help with gyno.

arimidex doesnt block all estro

op... why would you start hcg week 2? and what is the point of 250iu twice a week. Start that shit the day you start your cycle and run it at 500iu x 2. Why do people even try 250iu...if your gonna run it that low then dont even do it. 500iu x2 a week is the lowest i would ever recommend. The shit isnt that strong.