New member
Age: 24 years old
Morning weight (empty stomach): 189
BF %: 6.5% - Done with a body fat caliper (so take that for what it is - but I'll be posting pics in a log once I start so you guys can weigh-in on that)
Lifting experience: Started at age 16 for other sports, taking bodybuilding seriously since 20.
Diet: I follow a simple carb cycling guide, as an endomorph I have found this method to be extremely useful. Depending on my goal I just increase/decrease the high/low carb days:
High day
Carbs: 2-3 grams per pound of body weight
Protein: 1-1.25 grams per pound of body weight
Fat: as little as possible
Low and moderate days
Carbs: 0.5-1.5 grams per pound of body weight
Protein: 1.25-1.5 grams per pound of body weight
Fat: 0.15-0.35 grams per pound of body weight
*** However during the use of AAS I like to increase these numbers, particularly protein. From my first cycle/reading I have learned that the body just needs more. Depending on my BF% I like to increase morning cardio before cutting Macros/Calories.
Before I get into my second cycle I would just like to post my FIRST CYClE as it will make for an easier critique by the vets:
Test-E - Week 1-12: 500mg/week (split into 2 - 250mg doses)
D-Bol - Week 1-5: 30mg/day (split into 3 10mg doses)
Aromasin - Week 1-3: 12.5mg EOD
- Week 4-12: 12.5mg ED
***Tapered off my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) between my last shot and start of my PCT
HCG - Week 13 -14 :1000IU's ED for ten days stopping short of PCT by 3 days
Nolva - Week 15-18: 40/40/20/20
Clom - Week 15-18: 50/50/50/50
Test-E - Week 1-12: 600mg/week (Split into 2 - 300mg doses)
D-bol - Week 1-5: 40mg/week (Split into 4 - 10mg doses)
HCG - Week 1-12: 500IU's/week (Split into 2 - 250iu doses - Although a blast worked last time I have learned it is better to prevent a problem instead of trying to fix it)
Aromasin - Week 1-12 - 12.5 mg ED
*** Will taper off again between last shot and start of PCT
Nolva - Week 15-18: 40/40/20/20
Clom - Week 15-18: 50/50/50/50
- Cycle assist will be ran throughout the entire cycle to maintain proper live function, etc.
- Letro is on hand in case of any serious issues with gyno but thankfully none came up last time.
- Other supplements that I will be using during PCT include creatine, zma, a natural test booster, along with various vitamins.
Questions for the vets:
1) How is my dosing? I want to run another test only cycle (yes, it is with a kickstart) before I introduce different compounds for safety (i.e. still a new user) but at the same time I want my increase to be enough that I will benefit.
2)Should I still do a Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) blast in between the end of my cycle and post cycle therapy (pct)? I recognize that opinions on Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) dosing vary considerably but if someone with experience could weigh-in on this it would be great
3) I still have some Medistar gear left from my first cycle are they still G2G (from what I have read they are)? If not I was considering ordering PSL because there has been alot of talk about them here. I actually have no knowledge on using different labs during a cycle so if this is ill advised or if someone could point me towards a sticky it would be great.
4) Any other comments or concerns would be awesome.
Thanks in advance, as always I appreciate the help.
Age: 24 years old
Morning weight (empty stomach): 189
BF %: 6.5% - Done with a body fat caliper (so take that for what it is - but I'll be posting pics in a log once I start so you guys can weigh-in on that)
Lifting experience: Started at age 16 for other sports, taking bodybuilding seriously since 20.
Diet: I follow a simple carb cycling guide, as an endomorph I have found this method to be extremely useful. Depending on my goal I just increase/decrease the high/low carb days:
High day
Carbs: 2-3 grams per pound of body weight
Protein: 1-1.25 grams per pound of body weight
Fat: as little as possible
Low and moderate days
Carbs: 0.5-1.5 grams per pound of body weight
Protein: 1.25-1.5 grams per pound of body weight
Fat: 0.15-0.35 grams per pound of body weight
*** However during the use of AAS I like to increase these numbers, particularly protein. From my first cycle/reading I have learned that the body just needs more. Depending on my BF% I like to increase morning cardio before cutting Macros/Calories.
Before I get into my second cycle I would just like to post my FIRST CYClE as it will make for an easier critique by the vets:
Test-E - Week 1-12: 500mg/week (split into 2 - 250mg doses)
D-Bol - Week 1-5: 30mg/day (split into 3 10mg doses)
Aromasin - Week 1-3: 12.5mg EOD
- Week 4-12: 12.5mg ED
***Tapered off my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) between my last shot and start of my PCT
HCG - Week 13 -14 :1000IU's ED for ten days stopping short of PCT by 3 days
Nolva - Week 15-18: 40/40/20/20
Clom - Week 15-18: 50/50/50/50
Test-E - Week 1-12: 600mg/week (Split into 2 - 300mg doses)
D-bol - Week 1-5: 40mg/week (Split into 4 - 10mg doses)
HCG - Week 1-12: 500IU's/week (Split into 2 - 250iu doses - Although a blast worked last time I have learned it is better to prevent a problem instead of trying to fix it)
Aromasin - Week 1-12 - 12.5 mg ED
*** Will taper off again between last shot and start of PCT
Nolva - Week 15-18: 40/40/20/20
Clom - Week 15-18: 50/50/50/50
- Cycle assist will be ran throughout the entire cycle to maintain proper live function, etc.
- Letro is on hand in case of any serious issues with gyno but thankfully none came up last time.
- Other supplements that I will be using during PCT include creatine, zma, a natural test booster, along with various vitamins.
Questions for the vets:
1) How is my dosing? I want to run another test only cycle (yes, it is with a kickstart) before I introduce different compounds for safety (i.e. still a new user) but at the same time I want my increase to be enough that I will benefit.
2)Should I still do a Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) blast in between the end of my cycle and post cycle therapy (pct)? I recognize that opinions on Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) dosing vary considerably but if someone with experience could weigh-in on this it would be great
3) I still have some Medistar gear left from my first cycle are they still G2G (from what I have read they are)? If not I was considering ordering PSL because there has been alot of talk about them here. I actually have no knowledge on using different labs during a cycle so if this is ill advised or if someone could point me towards a sticky it would be great.
4) Any other comments or concerns would be awesome.
Thanks in advance, as always I appreciate the help.
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