Second Cycle - Looking for vets input


New member

Age: 24 years old
Morning weight (empty stomach): 189
BF %: 6.5% - Done with a body fat caliper (so take that for what it is - but I'll be posting pics in a log once I start so you guys can weigh-in on that)
Lifting experience: Started at age 16 for other sports, taking bodybuilding seriously since 20.
Diet: I follow a simple carb cycling guide, as an endomorph I have found this method to be extremely useful. Depending on my goal I just increase/decrease the high/low carb days:

High day

Carbs: 2-3 grams per pound of body weight
Protein: 1-1.25 grams per pound of body weight
Fat: as little as possible

Low and moderate days

Carbs: 0.5-1.5 grams per pound of body weight
Protein: 1.25-1.5 grams per pound of body weight
Fat: 0.15-0.35 grams per pound of body weight

*** However during the use of AAS I like to increase these numbers, particularly protein. From my first cycle/reading I have learned that the body just needs more. Depending on my BF% I like to increase morning cardio before cutting Macros/Calories.

Before I get into my second cycle I would just like to post my FIRST CYClE as it will make for an easier critique by the vets:

Test-E - Week 1-12: 500mg/week (split into 2 - 250mg doses)
D-Bol - Week 1-5: 30mg/day (split into 3 10mg doses)
Aromasin - Week 1-3: 12.5mg EOD
- Week 4-12: 12.5mg ED
***Tapered off my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) between my last shot and start of my PCT
HCG - Week 13 -14 :1000IU's ED for ten days stopping short of PCT by 3 days
Nolva - Week 15-18: 40/40/20/20
Clom - Week 15-18: 50/50/50/50


Test-E - Week 1-12: 600mg/week (Split into 2 - 300mg doses)
D-bol - Week 1-5: 40mg/week (Split into 4 - 10mg doses)
HCG - Week 1-12: 500IU's/week (Split into 2 - 250iu doses - Although a blast worked last time I have learned it is better to prevent a problem instead of trying to fix it)
Aromasin - Week 1-12 - 12.5 mg ED
*** Will taper off again between last shot and start of PCT
Nolva - Week 15-18: 40/40/20/20
Clom - Week 15-18: 50/50/50/50

- Cycle assist will be ran throughout the entire cycle to maintain proper live function, etc.
- Letro is on hand in case of any serious issues with gyno but thankfully none came up last time.
- Other supplements that I will be using during PCT include creatine, zma, a natural test booster, along with various vitamins.

Questions for the vets:

1) How is my dosing? I want to run another test only cycle (yes, it is with a kickstart) before I introduce different compounds for safety (i.e. still a new user) but at the same time I want my increase to be enough that I will benefit.

2)Should I still do a Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) blast in between the end of my cycle and post cycle therapy (pct)? I recognize that opinions on Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) dosing vary considerably but if someone with experience could weigh-in on this it would be great

3) I still have some Medistar gear left from my first cycle are they still G2G (from what I have read they are)? If not I was considering ordering PSL because there has been alot of talk about them here. I actually have no knowledge on using different labs during a cycle so if this is ill advised or if someone could point me towards a sticky it would be great.

4) Any other comments or concerns would be awesome.

Thanks in advance, as always I appreciate the help.
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well why do you want dbol? it add way to much water. almost all weight increase will be water. you dont need that. go with tbol instead. same mg for tbol as with dbol, but without all that damn water retention. with tbol, all weight gained is 90% muscle. dude, you dont need Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), thats for running much harsher shit. you will go back to normal after post cycle therapy (pct) with or without it. your aromasin i dont find anything wrong. just watch out that its not killing all your estro. you need some. remember. diet is almost everything. well it damn should be. not gonna yap any more :)
1) no issues in the dosing
2) run the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) as you have it 250iu twice a week throughout
3) test is test no matter what lab it is as long as its legit, finish off your bottle if it was good during first cycle and switch when done if needed.
4) I would start the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) at 12.5 EOD to start personally then increase if needed
well why do you want dbol? it add way to much water. almost all weight increase will be water. you dont need that. go with tbol instead. same mg for tbol as with dbol, but without all that damn water retention. with tbol, all weight gained is 90% muscle. dude, you dont need Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), thats for running much harsher shit. you will go back to normal after pct with or without it. your aromasin i dont find anything wrong. just watch out that its not killing all your estro. you need some. remember. diet is almost everything. well it damn should be. not gonna yap any more :)

I took D-bol for my first cycle as everything I read recommended it as a good kickstarter for beginners. I like what you have said about T-bol though so I will look into it more. Along with having the same dosage would you run it for the same period? I'm assuming so.

You're the first person to recommend NOT bothering with HCG. I blasted it at the end of my first cycle and found it to be extremely effective.

I'll take your and Kazmir's advice and start Aromasin dosing at 12.5mg EOD.

Thanks for your response man!
1) no issues in the dosing
2) run the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) as you have it 250iu twice a week throughout
3) test is test no matter what lab it is as long as its legit, finish off your bottle if it was good during first cycle and switch when done if needed.
4) I would start the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) at 12.5 EOD to start personally then increase if needed

1) Whats your opinion on T-bol as recommended by the captain?
2) And you're saying that just running Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) from weeks 1-12 will be sufficient?

Thanks for the response man!
I ran Tbol at the beginning of the cycle I am currently on, I loved it and I listed my experience with it in the log I believe, check it out. In summary, less liver toxic, very little water retention, less strength gains but worth it in my opinion.

Definitely for the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) or you can run it up a few days before post cycle therapy (pct) but till the end of cycle would be way more beneficial than blasting at the end
I ran Tbol at the beginning of the cycle I am currently on, I loved it and I listed my experience with it in the log I believe, check it out. In summary, less liver toxic, very little water retention, less strength gains but worth it in my opinion.

Definitely for the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) or you can run it up a few days before post cycle therapy (pct) but till the end of cycle would be way more beneficial than blasting at the end

Okay, I'll check it out and thanks for your .02
