Second Cycle - need advice


New member
Soon to start PCT after my first Test E cycle (500mg ew for 12 weeks).

Looking ahead to my next once, wanted to get some opinions. What I'm really looking for is to just pack on a bunch of size - I'm only 5' 6 so I'm going for the wide look as I haven't found an exercise to increase height yet!

My current thinking is as follows:

Test E 300mg/l twice a week (weeks 1-15)
Deca 300mg/l twice a week (weeks 1-15)
Dbol 40mg ed (weeks 4-14)
HCG 500iu ew (week 1-15)

I didn't use HCG first time around but have a bit more spare cash this time and with it being a much bigger cycle thought it'd be useful.

I'm not sure if maybe the dbol is a waste of time? And I'd be better with more oils. My main concern is I only feel comfortable pinning quads and 1ml ew was bad enough for pip! So I think anymore than 2ml per quad and it'll be too much.

Just looking for some general advice / critiques really. Does that cycle sound like it'd suit my goals?

Thanks all.
Delts are easy to pin. You gotta get more injection sites in the rotation. You didn't mention anything about an ai or if you will have a dopamine antagonist on hand. Any bloodwork? All are very important. A big key to putting on mass is food.
PCT will be nolva and Clomid. Got Ai on hand of course. First cycle I was fine with 12.5mg aromasin eod. When I did it ed I got really bad joint pain, thinking this time as it's a higher dosage that I'll try ed to start with and see how I look after bloodwork.

It's tough to say, measurement wise I gained as of measuring today (no PCT) about an inch on the ones you want to gain on and lost an inch on the places you want to lose. I originally intended to bulk but ended up cutting because I got ill the 2nd week and lost my appetite for 2 weeks so figured I'd stick it out at lower calories. My plan now is to get through PCT, get an ECA stack and shred myself right down so I can do a proper good bulk.
Yes keep the Dbol in there.. Test, deca, Dbol cycle is a classic cycle.. You need to start pinning your delts,, your quads are gonna hate leg day if your pinning 1200 mg of gear in them a week
I think I'm just being a pussy about it. The idea of pinning anywhere else (even my glutes) makes me brown my pants lol.

Has anyone got any tips on running Deca, I seem to be reading that it's best to stop it two weeks before you stop the test? So much broscience. It's hard to know what to believe. From what I understand also, PCT is best ran 3 weeks after last jab with Deca due to the longer ester?

Also given that my first cycle was Test E @ 500mg ew, is the increase dose this cycle sufficient or should be aiming for more or less?
Delts are pretty simple man I used to be the same way but it's really simple and the PIP is minimal . Just go for it and you'll be glad you did.
Stop deca 2-3 weeks before test. You wait 3 weeks to start pct so the test clears. Look up pct calculater.
I'm hoping that the lack of replies bashing my cycle means it sounds decent :D yay!

Before my next cycle looking to shred. Not sure how I feel about fat burners generally is it worth it or should I just do it slow and natty?
I'm hoping that the lack of replies bashing my cycle means it sounds decent :D yay!

Before my next cycle looking to shred. Not sure how I feel about fat burners generally is it worth it or should I just do it slow and natty?

Using fat burners and shredding off cycle is just gonna cause muscle loss
Just thinking more in depth about my PCT for this cycle now - my thinking is the following.

Day 1: Clomid 100mg / Nolva 40mg
Week 1: Clomid 50mg / Nolva 40mg
Week 2: Clomid 50mg / Nolva 20mg
Week 3: Clomid 50mg / Nolva 20mg
Week 4: Clomid 50mg / Nolva 20mg

Should doses be higher because of the dosage and deca? Or would the above be sufficient?