Soon to start PCT after my first Test E cycle (500mg ew for 12 weeks).
Looking ahead to my next once, wanted to get some opinions. What I'm really looking for is to just pack on a bunch of size - I'm only 5' 6 so I'm going for the wide look as I haven't found an exercise to increase height yet!
My current thinking is as follows:
Test E 300mg/l twice a week (weeks 1-15)
Deca 300mg/l twice a week (weeks 1-15)
Dbol 40mg ed (weeks 4-14)
HCG 500iu ew (week 1-15)
I didn't use HCG first time around but have a bit more spare cash this time and with it being a much bigger cycle thought it'd be useful.
I'm not sure if maybe the dbol is a waste of time? And I'd be better with more oils. My main concern is I only feel comfortable pinning quads and 1ml ew was bad enough for pip! So I think anymore than 2ml per quad and it'll be too much.
Just looking for some general advice / critiques really. Does that cycle sound like it'd suit my goals?
Thanks all.
Looking ahead to my next once, wanted to get some opinions. What I'm really looking for is to just pack on a bunch of size - I'm only 5' 6 so I'm going for the wide look as I haven't found an exercise to increase height yet!
My current thinking is as follows:
Test E 300mg/l twice a week (weeks 1-15)
Deca 300mg/l twice a week (weeks 1-15)
Dbol 40mg ed (weeks 4-14)
HCG 500iu ew (week 1-15)
I didn't use HCG first time around but have a bit more spare cash this time and with it being a much bigger cycle thought it'd be useful.
I'm not sure if maybe the dbol is a waste of time? And I'd be better with more oils. My main concern is I only feel comfortable pinning quads and 1ml ew was bad enough for pip! So I think anymore than 2ml per quad and it'll be too much.
Just looking for some general advice / critiques really. Does that cycle sound like it'd suit my goals?
Thanks all.