Second Cycle Noob questions


New member
Ok guys, I was thinking about running a second cycle come January. I wanna hit some Test Cyp 500 MG for 12-15weeks, and I wanna throw some D-bols in there for 4 weeks at 50/408/30/20mgs respectively a day per week. After the 4 weeks of D-bol I wanted to jump to some EQ for the remainder of the cycle. Do you guys think thios is a good second cycle? Not gonna go too high in the dosages, just wanna have a nice little bulk. Stats, 6'1'' 220lbs, been training since 08'. Just wanna do this right. I'm a little nervous about the Dbol's androgenic side effects. Should I sub the d-bol with deca?? I'm scared ill lose my dick, even though my doses of deca won't be higher than my doses of test. Also, the d-bols will hit me immediately, whilst the test will take a few weeks to kick in. I really don't wanna get gyno from the dbols. What should I post with after this cycle? I was thinking some arimadex and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). I know I'm a noob guys, but cut me some slack! I should def throw Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in there DURING the cycle to prevent any sides??? My first cycle I ran some test e, Anavar (var) and Winstrol (winny) and gained around 22lbs and kept 15 of it. So my receptors are good to go and I keep my gains. My diet is outstanding and so is my training. I'm not one of those guys who take shit and waste their time and money not eating, sleeping, or training like an animal. So any opinions, please throw them my way! Thanks
i dont realy have experience to give u with the deca or EQ , im sure someone will tune in a help u there . But for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) , i recommend u do run it during cycle . Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) helps to prevent testicularatrophy , which is probably something better left not unattended . It will also aid in faster recovery in PCT . You can start it from beginning of cycle and run it the whole cycle . Take it something like 250iu 2x a week ( 500iu total every week ) for whole cycle . Id recommend running arimidex starting at .5 every other day probably whole cycle as well from the begining seeing as how u r taking dbol and are worried about it. This will help prevent estrogenic sides like gyno , bloat etc . PCT will probably be recommended Nolva 40/40/20/20 & clomid 50/50/50/50 or even 100/100/50/50 . However remember , if u run deca ... u will need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for progesterone related gyno as well as the arimidex . Look into prami or caber for Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for deca . Letro is always good to have on hand just incase u do begin getting gyno .
i dont realy have experience to give u with the deca or EQ , im sure someone will tune in a help u there . But for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) , i recommend u do run it during cycle . Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) helps to prevent testicularatrophy , which is probably something better left not unattended . It will also aid in faster recovery in PCT . You can start it from beginning of cycle and run it the whole cycle . Take it something like 250iu 2x a week ( 500iu total every week ) for whole cycle . Id recommend running arimidex starting at .5 every other day probably whole cycle as well from the begining seeing as how u r taking dbol and are worried about it. This will help prevent estrogenic sides like gyno , bloat etc . PCT will probably be recommended Nolva 40/40/20/20 & clomid 50/50/50/50 or even 100/100/50/50 . However remember , if u run deca ... u will need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for progesterone related gyno as well as the arimidex . Look into prami or caber for Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for deca . Letro is always good to have on hand just incase u do begin getting gyno .

Thanks, I wanna get all the input i can and be safe as possible
If you are going to USE EQ.... I recommend USING it AT the START of the cycle... In my expirence... I would go WITH Deca over EQ. REMEMBER.. run it at the start of the cycle.
if u are concerned about the bloat tha dbol gives, run T-Bol, t-bol gives u less bloat and very lean gains compared to dbol
Don't be afraid of deca dick. It usually only happens with excessive dose ages. I did a test e 500 mg / wk and deca 400mgs/week cycle two years ago and had no prolactin issues. Only thing is I didn't use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) with the test and got strong, but puffy.....and had moon face. :(