Second Cycle. Prop, Dbol, Var


Get big or get big trying
Hello it will be second cycle and i gained 25 lbs on my first cycle and kept 20 of it. I am 23 and currently weigh 205 with about 7-8% bf.
I was going to do this:
Test Prop week 1-12 @ 150mg/eod
Dbol weeks 1-4 @ 40mg/ed
Anavar weeks 6-12 @ 75mg/ed
HCG weeks 1-14 500iu/week
Nolvadex 5 days after last shot for 5 weeks @ 40/40/40/20/20
Clomid 5 days after last shot for 5 weeks @ 100/50/50/50/50
Arimidex .5mg eod (days of injection) through weeks 1-14
a majority of this stuff will be Pinnacle so will be good gains ;)

i was also thinking about adding some IGF-1 and was wondering if it would be worth the extra $250?
Second Cycle. Prop, Dbol, Anavar

Hello it will be second cycle and i gained 25 lbs on my first cycle and kept 20 of it. I am 23 and currently weigh 205 with about 7-8% bf.
I was going to do this:
test Prop week 1-12 @ 150mg/eod
dbol weeks 1-4 @ 40mg/ed
Anavar weeks 6-12 @ 75mg/ed
HCG weeks 1-14 500iu/week
Nolvadex 5 days after last shot for 5 weeks @ 40/40/40/20/20
clomid 5 days after last shot for 5 weeks @ 100/50/50/50/50
Arimidex .5mg eod (days of injection) through weeks 1-14
a majority of this stuff will be Pinnacle so will be good gains

i was also thinking about adding some igf-1 and was wondering if it would be worth the extra $250?
why testprop? whats the point of all; those pins eod when you can get the same from 1-2 pins a week with teste . unless your are pron to testing I see no use for test prop myself.
also thats 11 weeks of orals I would pick one and go with it is my op its not just about liver issues it will mess your blood up too. prob not gonna kill you but this is only your second cycle and I think you are already overdoing it.
I have been at this for years and me TOTAL oral aas use for the YEAR would be whats in this cycle..
I also test teste for 14 weeks over 12

the rest looks good though.
good luck
ill take your suggestion and do test E for 14 weeks and dbol for 6 weeks at 40mg/ed. when would be the best time to do the dbol? the beginning or the end of cycle?
ill take your suggestion and do test E for 14 weeks and dbol for 6 weeks at 40mg/ed. when would be the best time to do the dbol? the beginning or the end of cycle?

run the dbol at the beginning bud while the test e builds, once its kicked in it will continue your gains nicely. You need to add some sort of liver support etc alongside the Dbol, id add n2guard as itll control blood pressure and protect your liver and organs.

Id prob run the dbol 4 weeks at the start of the cycle and run the Anavar (var) for the last 6 weeks if youve got it and want to run it, up to you tho...