"Second" cycle, SERM, AI questions with background.


New member
Hey guys so I read juced's post regarding the use of serms and AI's but IMO it is a lot of information so I just wanted to let you all know I have done research before asking but would like your opinions still.

I am 26 years old and have been lifting for 8 years. I am 6'4" 265 and am bulking right now. My body fat is probably around 20% which I know is a little high for most people to start a cycle. It is my understanding that this is so you really can see your gains and all other changes from the use of AAS. I am not worried about seeing them right now as I will be cutting shortly after my proposed cycle ends. Please correct me if I am wrong for the reasoning of lowering BF first.

I have done a partial cycle roughly three years ago. I say partial because a friend had some leftover/extra gear I purchased and am not even sure exactly what it was. I know it was test just not sure which strength or Esther it even was. Also their were two different types of pills I took for my pct, again I don't know what they were. I know I know, young and dumb lol.

I am planning on competing next August, late August in the Tahoe Show and this will be my first show. Because of my genetics I will be competing with the big boys and plan on entering the show at around 225. If I can be heavier/bigger that would be great!

Like I said before I have done my research and here is what I plan on running and would like your opinion/suggestions.

D-Bol 30mg ed week 1-4
Test-E 500mg/week 1-12
EQ 600mg/week 1-12 then 800mg/week 12-20
Letro on hand for gyno problems if they arise
Aromasin and clomid pct.

My questions start with EQ. Is this a good addition? I thought about adding this due to continued gains even after I finish my cycle. But then this also leads to my PCT and support questions.
I don't believe this is a real heavy cycle so I am unsure if HCG would be warranted throughout or if the letro would suffice? Also I planned on starting my PCT roughly 21 days after my last pin. Would this be the case even though I am stopping the test 8 weeks sooner than the EQ? Or should I run the test longer? Also does the dosage of PCT's change depending on number of compounds I am running? And then I think my last question is, I have read so many suggestion that Nolva/Clomid are ok alone as a PCT, so why do some suggest HCG throughout or after a cycle? In other words does the HCG restore normal test levels better than my planned PCT?

And lastly what is your guys opinions on DBol vs front loading Test E or even running Prop for a jump start?

Sorry for all the questions! I look forward to hearing your guys response!
You have a LOT to learn. Keep on researching before you even consider buying or starting a cycle.

For the mean time, here's a few pointers... not going to get into any detail here though.

1. The higher bf% you have the more aromatization you will experience. Meaning more testosterone will convert into estrogen. Higher estrogen levels, lower testosterone levels. Not good.

2. Cutting "shortly after" your cycle is a terrible idea. You need to give yourself several months before cutting to ensure full recovery. This relates to both your test levels and muscle mass (you will lose it very quickly.)

3. Test only cycle. You do not need other compounds, and it's another terrible idea. Not gonna get into it.. but you don't want to be riddled with side effects.

4. Aromasin (or any AI) should not be used in PCT.

5. You should be using an AI on cycle from day 1 til about 1-2weeks before you start PCT.

6. You don't need Letro for gyno. You only need a SERM (Ralox is best, nolva a close second) and an increase in your AI dose.

7. PCT should ALWAYS include nolva + clomid.

Like I said... keep on researching...
Thank you for the quick response. I was unaware of the added aromatization with higher bf so that's good. And by shortly after I didn't mean right away. Not a good way to say that I suppose. I will be finishing my cycle if everything goes as planned by April and would start my cut July. Planned on shedding some bf on cycle so wouldn't need as long as a cut period. I figured 8 weeks would do. Also I mentioned I had taken the test before without any side effect so why not add EQ?? Not questioning you just wondering. I may be getting names of AI's confused so sorry about that. Like I said I did read juced_porkchop's how to guide on serms and AI's and I have saved it for reference so...again thanks for the timely response!!!
I would recommend treating this as your first cycle. You don't know what or how much you ran 3 years ago.

Make sure you get pre, mid and post-cycle blood work too!

hCG should be used on cycle to minimize teaticular atrophy while yoir Natty T is shut down. It should not be used during PCT though as it is suppressive to your HPTA.