Second cycle soon, Test E/Anavar


New member
Hello everyone. So I am starting to piece everything I will need for my second cycle. First of all im 25, 160lbs, 5'5, I would say about 13% bf. My first cycle was 10 weeks of Test E and had pretty good results.I was about 145 when I started. I got bigger and kept alot of the strength. I took the neccessary time off and am looking to shoot for January as the start my my second cycle. I will once again do Test E 500mgs 2x. I want to get more cut this time around so obv I will watch my diet and wanted to add Anavar. Also thinking about adding dbol in the begining for some strength becasue I have some tablets for a few weeks. So I was thinking of something like this...

Weeks 1-12=Test E 500mgs 2x
Weeks 1-3=DBOL 30Mgs ED
Weeks 6-12=Anavar 50mgs ED
Weeks 1-12= Arimidex .5 ED
Weeks 1-12= HCGenerate ED


Nolva= 40/40/20/20
Clomind= 50/50/50/50

Any advice?
I wouldn't suggest 2 orals on a short 12 week cycle or as a 2nd cycle, add 1 compound at a time, and if your looking to cut or lean out dbol is not the best option although diet is going to be your key to success.

Run the arimidex until 3-4 days prior to PCT drop the dbol and your good to go
See how you go with the Anavar. I'm running 100mg ED at the moment. The pumps are ridiculous but as far as mass gains go, I believe it really is a drug that should be used pre-contest for retention rather than mass, even lean gains. That said, I am as of today only two weeks in. My Anavar is legit incase you're wondering, Jenapharm, bought in the UK. In saying that, Kazmir knows his shit so go with his advice and you'll be happy.
See how you go with the Anavar. I'm running 100mg ED at the moment. The pumps are ridiculous but as far as mass gains go, I believe it really is a drug that should be used pre-contest for retention rather than mass, even lean gains. That said, I am as of today only two weeks in. My Anavar is legit incase you're wondering, Jenapharm, bought in the UK. In saying that, Kazmir knows his shit so go with his advice and you'll be happy.

Totally agree with ya it would be an amazing retention drug and the vascularity I got from it was insane, 100mgs man the pumps must be some crazy I found them insane at 70mgs