New member
Hello everyone. So I am starting to piece everything I will need for my second cycle. First of all im 25, 160lbs, 5'5, I would say about 13% bf. My first cycle was 10 weeks of Test E and had pretty good results.I was about 145 when I started. I got bigger and kept alot of the strength. I took the neccessary time off and am looking to shoot for January as the start my my second cycle. I will once again do Test E 500mgs 2x. I want to get more cut this time around so obv I will watch my diet and wanted to add Anavar. Also thinking about adding dbol in the begining for some strength becasue I have some tablets for a few weeks. So I was thinking of something like this...
Weeks 1-12=Test E 500mgs 2x
Weeks 1-3=DBOL 30Mgs ED
Weeks 6-12=Anavar 50mgs ED
Weeks 1-12= Arimidex .5 ED
Weeks 1-12= HCGenerate ED
Nolva= 40/40/20/20
Clomind= 50/50/50/50
Any advice?
Weeks 1-12=Test E 500mgs 2x
Weeks 1-3=DBOL 30Mgs ED
Weeks 6-12=Anavar 50mgs ED
Weeks 1-12= Arimidex .5 ED
Weeks 1-12= HCGenerate ED
Nolva= 40/40/20/20
Clomind= 50/50/50/50
Any advice?