second cycle: sustanon or test e


New member
Hi guys,

I tried the search function but couldn't find the answer that I was looking for. I am 29 and i did a 12 week cycle last year consisting of test e and deca.

I wanna do a new cycle abd I got my hands on 1vial of sustanon, 1x test e, dianabol. I wanna do a 10-12 week cycle and i know that I can Kickstart the cycle with 4 weeks of dianabol. Regarding the test e and sustanon, how should I run these? Should I start with the sustanon or with the test e?

And yes, I will also run hcg and i algo got clomid and Nolvadex for pct.

Thanks in advance
Why would you purchase your gear BEFORE planning your cycle? That makes no sense to me as you have no idea what quantity you'll need....

E.g. If you wanted to run 12 weeks of Sust @600mg p/week with the 4 week DBol kickstart, you now would need more Sust....

What's your height and weight?
For your last cycle, how much test and deca did you run?
What AI are you looking at using this time?
How often do you train?

Sust is made of lots of short esters as well as depending on the blend you'd either want to pin reguarly (ED/EoD) or twice a week
So I'd go with the Test E and just pin Monday morning and Thursday evening. Keep it simple and feel free to add in the Dbol kick start at 50-70mgs per day.
Just be careful with your side effects and MAKE SURE you run your AI.
Thanks for the reply. Who said that I purchased the gear? I just got them for free (don't ask how lol)

To answer your question:
Stats: 1.81 (5'11"). 96kg (211 lbs).
For my last cycle I did 2x week 250mg test e and 1x week 250mg deca for 5 weeks.
For AI I got arimidex just like last time.
I train 4x a week, wendler 531 (I'm into powerlifting)

Brand I'm using is Euro pharmaceuticals.

So based on your suggestion, I'll just ditch the sustanon and just get another test e. Anything else that I should get my hands on?
You arent going to have enough to run any cycle really. The Test E will take roughly 4-5 weeks to get the full effect. So in theory you need to be pinning both. Sust wil give you the kickstart along with the dbol, but you need to be pinning the E to get into your system.

I wouldn't shut myself down for a 6 week or so cycle.

You'll also need more than another bottle of E. One bottle lasts 5 weeks at 500mg a week. You'l get more out of it running 12-14 weeks.
Thanks for the reply. Who said that I purchased the gear? I just got them for free (don't ask how lol)

To answer your question:
Stats: 1.81 (5'11"). 96kg (211 lbs).
For my last cycle I did 2x week 250mg test e and 1x week 250mg deca for 5 weeks.
For AI I got arimidex just like last time.
I train 4x a week, wendler 531 (I'm into powerlifting)

Brand I'm using is Euro pharmaceuticals.

So based on your suggestion, I'll just ditch the sustanon and just get another test e. Anything else that I should get my hands on?

Matters on your goal really, if you want size then

Weeks 1-12 Test E @ 500mg
Week 1-6 Dbol @ 50-70mgs ED

would work quite nicely for a second cycle

If I was running that cycle and had deca experience I'd ideally do:

1-6 Dbol @ 70mgs per day
1-14 Deca @ 500mg per week
1-16 Test E @ 500mg per week
1-18 HCG @ 500iU E3.5D
AI is dependant on you, maybe 0.5mg of adex EoD for that....but you may be different

then wait 3 weeks
19-23 PCT
I think I'll just run a test e cycle (500mg/ week) for 12-14 weeks, 5 weeks dbol at 40mg/day for Kickstart. With hcg 500iu/ week and 1mg Adex EoD (I've had gyno issues before when I was younger). I'm not gonna run deca anymore cause of sport related drug testing issues. 4 weeks pct with Nolvadex and clomid. Thanks for the input guys
I think I'll just run a test e cycle (500mg/ week) for 12-14 weeks, 5 weeks dbol at 40mg/day for Kickstart. With hcg 500iu/ week and 1mg Adex EoD (I've had gyno issues before when I was younger). I'm not gonna run deca anymore cause of sport related drug testing issues. 4 weeks pct with Nolvadex and clomid. Thanks for the input guys

wait, you're getting drug tested for a sport, but are still going to do a cycle?
i would run the sust first then the test e..

sust has 3-4 esters in it usually, short to very long acting.. with the short acting ester in there i would use it to start the cycle and then switch to the test e and you should be fine..

if you really want to get technically.. inject the sust eod instead of twice a week
I think I'll just run a test e cycle (500mg/ week) for 12-14 weeks, 5 weeks dbol at 40mg/day for Kickstart. With hcg 500iu/ week and 1mg Adex EoD (I've had gyno issues before when I was younger). I'm not gonna run deca anymore cause of sport related drug testing issues. 4 weeks pct with Nolvadex and clomid. Thanks for the input guys

Be careful with that Adex. I personally would start lower. 1mg a week, EOD will put you at 4mg a week. I call that crash city!
Well pick one, either the test-e or the sus...u dont need both. With the sus u wouldnt have to use the dbol kickstart.
wait, you're getting drug tested for a sport, but are still going to do a cycle?

Not doing the cycle to improve my performance, just doing the cycle for certain cosmetic changes. I really lack self confidence because of certain things. Only the juice seems to help


A 6 week test/deca cycle is like a third of what you should've done. Your cycle history is very awkward. Read through the link and do a proper first cycle. 1mg of adex eod is awful high. If your crash your e2 your going to really be butt hurt...

What I meant was that I ran deca for 5 weeks. I ran test e for 12 weeks. I didn't have enough money at that time to buy another vial of deca.


Be careful with that Adex. I personally would start lower. 1mg a week, EOD will put you at 4mg a week. I call that crash city!

I'll take that into consideration, thanks!
Not doing the cycle to improve my performance, just doing the cycle for certain cosmetic changes. I really lack self confidence because of certain things. Only the juice seems to help
I think you may be headed for disaster and addiction with this reasoning. Be careful man.
Not doing the cycle to improve my performance, just doing the cycle for certain cosmetic changes. I really lack self confidence because of certain things. Only the juice seems to help


What I meant was that I ran deca for 5 weeks. I ran test e for 12 weeks. I didn't have enough money at that time to buy another vial of deca.


I'll take that into consideration, thanks!

You said you are not doing Deca because of sports related drug testing issues. If you are going to get tested for PEDs test will show up on that test. Also if cosmetic changes wont happen because you're using a steroid. Those changes happen because of dieting. The gear is just an aid that helps WITH the diet. My man you need to get with 3J and have a long convo about your goals and everything you are doing to reach them. He will answer with dieting solutions that will help, and will last longer than if you take steroids. There is no quick fix to anything in life. You will have to work your ass off for a long time, even if you decide to take AAS.
You said you are not doing Deca because of sports related drug testing issues. If you are going to get tested for PEDs test will show up on that test. Also if cosmetic changes wont happen because you're using a steroid. Those changes happen because of dieting. The gear is just an aid that helps WITH the diet. My man you need to get with 3J and have a long convo about your goals and everything you are doing to reach them. He will answer with dieting solutions that will help, and will last longer than if you take steroids. There is no quick fix to anything in life. You will have to work your ass off for a long time, even if you decide to take AAS.

1. I know exactly when the competitions will start and I've read a whole lot about clearance time etc.
2. And yes, I know that cosmetic changes will happen because of steroids, because after my last cycle (which was also my first) I felt way more confident to go out because I became a bit fuller/ bigger. I know dieting plays an important role, but no matter how much I eat, no matter how I train, nothing seemed to help. Over the years I've spent THOUSANDS of euros and countless hours and effort in trying different diets, went to ask help from different bodybuilders and nutrition specialists, tried different training methods, hired personal trainers (one of them happens to be a famous personal trainer who trains a lot of international football players), etc etc etc. you name it, I've done it. I would've gone with plastic surgery if I had the money but my money doesn't grow on trees.
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