Second cycle test only gyno? prolactin? Need help


New member
First post to this site so sorry if if not posted in the right place just really could do with some advice.

This is my second cycle on test, This time ive been doing test e 250 alpha pharma 2 jabs per week Monday thurs, and for the first 3 weeks i did dest prop 3 jabs per week monday weds friday. The gains (strength and size) are great, im now just doing the test e twice a week.

During the middle of my 4th week my nipples were feeling tender, straight away i started my ai arimidex I know i should of done this from the start but like an idiot i listened to someone telling me that doing it would hinder my gains. Anyway I started my ai, for the first 2 days i did 1mg ed and now .5 ed. My issue is since being sensitive I cant stop touching them to check for gyno lumps, i can feel some small lumps around my nipples but not sure if they were there before, they are not noticeable at all visually but i can feel them and since i can feel them i cant stop checking them. Not sure if its gyno or not, today I squeezed one of them and a cloudy liquid came out of my nip and the lump has near enough gone, so i did the same to the other size and now both are pretty much gone. Ive read touching them too much can cause a prolactin build up? If it was gyno surely squeezing would of made no difference.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated

Doesn't sound like gyno. Are the 'lumps' on the skin or behind the nipple? Are they hard and firm to touch or softish?

If they disappeared from squeezing then it wasn't gyno. Sounds like you lactated, which would indicate prolactin. You'd really need blood work to know for sure.

If your worried you can run nolva or raloxifene (20mg and 40mg daily, respectively) to stop any gyno from forming/reverse any existing gyno. I would definitely also get that blood work done.

Also, what AI are you using? If its Arimadex sounds like way too much, you've likely crashed e2.
They were firm lumps which was making me think gyno. Theres no way im going to my dr as i have medical insurance and it voids my policy.

I was going to run nolva 20mg ed but since the lumps have near enough gone I dont know whether to or not.

What would cause lactating? Im going to go and get some B6 on my lunch as ive read that can prevent prolactin build up. I thought prolactin only cam from like dbol tren deca?

Yes arimidex .5 ed thats the only ai i have access too, think im going to cut it back to eod now, what makes you say its too much? and sorry youll have to explain what e2 is? I do a lot of reading up but still new to some things

They were firm lumps which was making me think gyno. Theres no way im going to my dr as i have medical insurance and it voids my policy.

I was going to run nolva 20mg ed but since the lumps have near enough gone I dont know whether to or not.

What would cause lactating? Im going to go and get some B6 on my lunch as ive read that can prevent prolactin build up. I thought prolactin only cam from like dbol tren deca?

Yes arimidex .5 ed thats the only ai i have access too, think im going to cut it back to eod now, what makes you say its too much? and sorry youll have to explain what e2 is? I do a lot of reading up but still new to some things


To be honest you really shouldn't be using AAS if you have no idea what e2 is and can't get access to blood work. Are you in the States? You can get private bloods done.

For most people 0.5 ed of arimadex is more than enough to crash Estradiol levels (the most potent form of estrogen in men.) It's unhealthy, and carries a whole host of side effects. Running the nolva now isn't gonna hurt so you may as well run it for peace of mind. B6 isn't gonna do shit. Prolactin can go up for a few reasons, usually it's to do with 19nor use but there are other reasons.

Like I said, run the nolva to be 100% safe. Get blood work to figure out what's going on. Drop your adex to 0.25mg every second day. And seriously spend a lot more time researching before you run another cycle, you could seriously harm yourself by being careless.

What's your PCT look like by the way??
Im in the uk, and yes ill cut back the arimidex massively now i know the lumps have near enough gone. Im going to be using dr scallys pct 100mg clomid 30 days, Nolva 20mgs 45 days. And Im still in 2 minds about the hcg but if i do it will be 2500iu eod 16 days. Thats what i did last time with no hcg.
And I dont know everything im sure everyone started out somewhere, Ive not dived in doing more than one compound, just crapped myself about gyno.
Read the link man... There's a lot of shit your doing wrong. I don't think you realise what your doing at all. Read up, educate before you medicate!
How much test are you taking weekly in mg? Number of "jabs" doesn't tell us how Mich you are running.

Do you have a Dopamine Agonist on hand or can you get one?
Why do i need a Dopamine Agonist? I dont have a way of getting my bloodwork done.. Im doing going through my gp as I mentioned I cant have it on my medical record.

Im doing 500mgs test e per week 250 monday, 250 thursday.

Thanks for the link some really good info there
Why do i need a Dopamine Agonist? I dont have a way of getting my bloodwork done.. Im doing going through my gp as I mentioned I cant have it on my medical record.

Im doing 500mgs test e per week 250 monday, 250 thursday.

Thanks for the link some really good info there

Because you are lactating. You need to lower your prolactin.
please correct me if i am wrong, but it soundds like some prami or caber is called for here... why i have no idea... please give us a better picture of what your cycle looks like.
My cycle test e alpha pharma 250mgs monday, 250mgs thursday. For the first 3 weeks of the cycle i was doing test prop along side the test e dosage at 100mgs monday, 100mgs weds, 100mgs friday. Up until week 3 those 2 things were the only things i was taking, week 4 i stopped test prop and continued test e and started ai arimidex (which from now on i will lower the dosage) I noticed the lumps before i started arimidex. What do I need to ask my guy for to lower prolactin other than a Dopamine Agonist?
- Pramipexole (Mirapex)
- Cabergoline (Dostinex)
- Bromocriptine (Parlodel)
- Pergolide (Permax)

Hopefully ill be able to get my hands on one of these
- Pramipexole (Mirapex)
- Cabergoline (Dostinex)
- Bromocriptine (Parlodel)
- Pergolide (Permax)

Hopefully ill be able to get my hands on one of these

Most commonly used are prami and Caber. You can get prami from RUI. Their banner ad is at the top of your screen.