Second cycle...with Epi. Advice?


New member
I would like to make a 6-week cycle, with epistane, 40 mg ED.
I do not know whether to choose the test or test cyp, as a base.
Is necessary to practice two injections a week, or even one acceptable? At what dose?
I was thinking:
Wk 1: 200 mg test, 30 mg epi
Wk 2: 200 mg test, 30 mg epi
Wk 3: 200 mg test, 40 mg epi
Wk 4: 200 mg test, 40 mg epi
Wk 5: 40 mg epi
Wk 6: 40 mg epi
Wk 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12: PCT (clomid + nolva)

What do you think?
I have read, and typical dosages are 300 or 600 mg per week, but I would try with 150-200 mg per week, with a single injection of test-e.
It's ok?
Many other things wrong with what you are trying to do. I dont feel like typing it all out right now.
test c has a 2 week half life. it takes 6 weeks to hit full serum levels...meaning you aren't getting shit all with your short cycle.

Most people start at 12 weeks.

Also 200mg per week is LOWER or the same than most people's natural levels.
Meaning you're shutting down your endogenous production....for no return. Not smart.

As for dosages, I'd at least start with 400-500mg per week
Pin 200 (or 250) Monday morning, then the other 200 Thursday evening. 3.5 days apart.
This keeps your blood levels stable.