Second Helladrol cycle this year, Need a Alternative to N2 Guard Please help!!!!


New member
I am planning another helladrol cycle very soon(as soon as it ships already ordered it), I can't find N2 Guard anywhere for purchase and the store should have it in stock in like 5 days. What's another alternative besides N2Guard? I have read about forged liver support, Ruthless 3D, CEL cycle Assist...etc I finished my first helladrol cycle in March 2013 and had awesome results and wanting to run it again

I am gonna run my cycle like this:

helladrol 100/100/100/100/125/125 possibly 150 if needed
Transaderm - through cycle
HcGenerate - weeks 1-10
Forma Stanzol - weeks 3-10
???? N2Guard, or alternative??? thats where I need your guys help
liver support
multi vit
fish oil

Forma Stanzol
Torem - 90/60/60/30
Livercare pills

any critiques or input is greatly appreciated, thanks everyone This Forum Rocks!!!
Looks a solid cycle bro you've clearly done this before :)
If you want any discounts for the transaderm drop me a pm my man.
If you need any advise or help stacking it in feel to message me also.
enjoy !
Thanks dylangemelli and Nickb86, dylan is there a huge difference in the new HcGenerate ES and the older product? also if I order when in stock the N2Guard that is, while I wait for it to ship can I get by without it until I receive it in the mail?
ES does have quite a bit more punch. Idk in that, Dylan will give a for sure answer.

Look at the ingredients between the two. ES has lots of of the good stuff.
You can use Organ Shield or Forged Liver instead of N2guard. TUDCA is much different than those three products...but is definitely beneficial in it's own right.
quick question about Forged Liver Support and TUDCA together? You said in my post that its different and beneficial? So I guess my question is, will Forged Liver Support and TUDCA together suffice for cycle support while taking helladrol? N2BM still doesnt have N2 guard instock and I wanna start my cycle this next week?

so here is how it's gonna run

H-Drol - 100/100/125/125/125/125 possibly up to 150
HCGenerate weeks 1-10
Forma Stanzol - weeks 3-10
Transderm - weeks 1-10?? not sure if thats right never used before
Liver care52 weeks 1-10
multi vit


Torem - 90/60/60/30
Unleashed post cycle stack or Forged Cycle PCT stack 4 weeks
forma Stanzol

Let me know Thanks bros appreciate it!!!
I wouldn't go past 100mg with hella. The sides are not bad at that dose and it will bring on the strength gains faster.

Instead of running Transderm longer, just up the dose on hella. As long as u are using the forma you will get next to zero conversion to estrogen. Forma is an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like aromasin. It kills estrogen off rather than just blocking it.
run the transaderm from weeks 1-6 bro, you can preload it a week or 2 earlier before starting your cycle if you like to have it running fully, but weeks 1-6 is fine too.
Do not run transaderm in pct though :)