Mich29 I have not yet bought the equipment yet! I am still researching! I want to make sure I am full aware of what I'm getting in to. I am fully confident that my cycle would go well and my gains would be moderate to large! I have the mind power,diet, and motivation also good workout programs that are brutal! More over I am just a little concerned about the years after affects? I'm talking when I'm 40-60 and so on. I mean I only plan on doing this cycle and possibly one more like 6 to 8 months after. Reason being I'm just trying to jump start the growth after my Plateau With these products! From what I have read this is really gear in the the oral form! Yes mild compounds compared to all the other stuff out there! But STILL it is what it is, gear! the evidence is obvious in the short term and in the present! Great product and result with little to no sides if done properly! Although I'm not trying to set off a unknown time bomb in my body years later down the road. With is being said I'm down to do it. But need more evidence that your body will be Gucci years down the road! With this said please give input on this subject along with other possible sources of info regarding this. If you Boys get a chance please check out this link. Lots of good info also some stuff I don't think is relevant but is interesting and made me think! Let me know your thoughts and please have some substance behind what you say not just theories! Thanks guys!