Second opinion needed on this cycle please...


New member
I'm currently running test p, tren a & oxys. Getting some fantastic gains & 3-4 weeks away from starting an aggressive PCT. After some time off I plan to do a fairly long cycle, then steer clear of AAS for a while. Although I'm not going to be starting the long cycle for 2-3 months, I'm in a position to buy them now, so before I part with any money could you give me your opinion on this cycle & any suggestions on the dosages...

Weeks 1-16 test e 250mg ew
Weeks 1-16 eq 600mg ew
Weeks 1-12 mast e 400mg ew
Weeks 1-12 tren e 400mg ew
Weeks 1-4 tbol 50mg ed
Weeks 12-16 Var 100mg ed

Adex 0.5mg e3d
Caber 0.25 e3d
HCG 500iu twice a week


Clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20
I don't really see a need or a point in the EQ being in this cycle.. just up your Masteron dosage.

Test / Tren / Masteron is a classic tried and proven cycle.. the EQ is just gonna raise your RBC, you don't need it
You just started your current cycle and now you are already starting your next cycle in 2-3 months? You aren't even done with your current one yet. What happened to Time On + PCT = Time Off?
Totally agree Rouch & cheers for the advice. I just wanted to incorporate eq. But a good point made.

I'm nearly 4 weeks in my Test p & tren a cycle. Gains have been immence. Got 2 weeks left. Decided not to go for 8 weeks.

Yes I have followed time on + pct = time off rule for all previous cycles with the exception of one, which was off by about a month, which didn't really effect me in the slightest. I will be following that rule with this one though, as it's my first tren cycle. So maybe a little longer than 2-3 months... But heyho.

Any thoughts on the cycle megatron?
Cba with jabbing ed it sucks. Next to libido issues this is partly why I'm not going the full 8 weeks