see how much I get flamed...


TRU Krookdale Crook
Alright I am posting this one because it's all I have now. I'm going to put some with the shirt off and the wheels up soon. I gues I'll see how much I get flamed then put the other up. Sorry about the pits. It's winter and need to keep warm.... :santa:
Should probably post stats.

roughly 12% bf last time I checked. trying to get to at least 9-10
lol.....Good eye man. Your right. Had to take the pic with my cell phone. Got a digi camera for xmas form the girl. So I'm gonna try that shit out tonight.....
It could be a candle, or some girly type of lotion. Anyway, judging by what we can see... good build. Decent lats. Looks like your pecs are probably pretty good.
Thanks guys. I know it's hard to tell from that pic. but appreciate the feedback.
David Gilmour said:
i was just going to tell him that too, are you natural?

it's weird because for som reason my left is stronger. No not natural.

3 cycles. First one sus only at 300 a week/12 weks......Didn't know nothing at that time.

Second was deca at 300 a week/12 weeks and kept roughly 8-9 pound of solid mass.

Third tren only. 400 a week/9 weeks. And I loved that cycle. Think I'm going to for a 4th soon, want to hit 200-220 lbs. Never crashed on those cycles, oddly enough. but I wanna make sure I don't so I think the next will be tren and test.

I thought I was going to get torn apart, thanks guys!
Oh yeah I was going to put pics up last night, but who would of known I had to charge my batteries for my new cam for 14 hours.....
Thanks bro.....Love your avatar! Haven't had time to take pics yet, just moved and most of my shit is still in boxes, but am definitely going to get the wheels up too. Peace!
DougoeFre5h said:
Awesome camera stand. Im guessing shampoo bottle with a candle on top?

O shit I didn't even notice that.
SWEET! Also you're looking pritty hard a shapely keep up the good work.