Seeking diet advice. Lean bulk/maintenance calorie cycling


New member
I posted this in the diet advice thread for 3J... but I wouldn't be opposed to some advice from other posters as well.

I am currently on cycle with sustanon, and I just decided to add EQ. I am about 15% bodyfat today, good gains since the beginning of my cycle, and I am realizing that leaning out is really more appealing to me than another mass cycle like the ones I have done in the past, and I am considering dropping my calories to a lower level and increasing my cardio to focus on some mild fat loss. I am realizing that the concept of "maximizing" my cycles really doesn't matter to me as long as I am making quality gains. So my questions are:

1. Does this diet fit that goal?
2. Would one suggest maintenance (3000ish) or perhaps mild lean-bulking calories (3500ish) on cycle to achieve this goal? Or, given the possible experience of others, should I maybe begin a drop starting at 500kcal from the 5000ish I have been on until I see results I am looking for.
3. Perhaps some advice for macros and calorie count during post cycle therapy (pct)? In the past I have always been terrified of losing my gains and spent 2+ months cramming 400g protein and 4000ish calories; I am sure I gained some unwanted fat. What is optimal?

Here are my stats and a sample diet:

Age: 22
Height: 6'2
Weight: 207
BMR: 2071
TDEE: 3210

Meal 1:

5 whole eggs
2pcs Lilydale Turkey bacon
1/2 cup egg whites
3 slices ezekiel w/ natural peanut butter

Meal 2 (Preworkout):

2 scoops whey

Meal 3 (Post workout)

Isoflex bar
2 scoops whey
1/2 cup whole-wheat couscous

Meal 4

7Oz Extra LGB
100g Soya Beans

Meal 5

3/4 Cup Greek Yogurt


2969 Calories
102 Fat (31%)
190 Carbs (26%)
325 Protein (44%)

For anyone interested I run a 5/3/1 with a powerbuilding approach, and have recently incorporated fasted cardio in the mornings for 30 minutes. I also have began EC. My cycle after post cycle therapy (pct) and recovery from this cycle has already been procured and is locked and loaded also... so I will hopefully lean out even further on prop/tren in November.
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I posted this in the diet advice thread for 3J... but I wouldn't be opposed to some advice from other posters as well.

I am currently on cycle with sustanon, and I just decided to add EQ. I am about 15% bodyfat today, good gains since the beginning of my cycle, and I am realizing that leaning out is really more appealing to me than another mass cycle like the ones I have done in the past, and I am considering dropping my calories to a lower level and increasing my cardio to focus on some mild fat loss. I am realizing that the concept of "maximizing" my cycles really doesn't matter to me as long as I am making quality gains. So my questions are:

1. Does this diet fit that goal?
2. Would one suggest maintenance (3000ish) or perhaps mild lean-bulking calories (3500ish) on cycle to achieve this goal? Or, given the possible experience of others, should I maybe begin a drop starting at 500kcal from the 5000ish I have been on until I see results I am looking for.
3. Perhaps some advice for macros and calorie count during post cycle therapy (pct)? In the past I have always been terrified of losing my gains and spent 2+ months cramming 400g protein and 4000ish calories; I am sure I gained some unwanted fat. What is optimal?

Here are my stats and a sample diet:

Age: 22
Height: 6'2
Weight: 207
BMR: 2071
TDEE: 3210

Meal 1:

5 whole eggs
2pcs Lilydale Turkey bacon
1/2 cup egg whites
3 slices ezekiel w/ natural peanut butter

Meal 2 (Preworkout):
Trey to get whole foods here, w a good complex carb.
2 scoops whey

Meal 3 (Post workout)

Isoflex bar Get rid of he bar
2 scoops whey
1/2 cup whole-wheat couscous
Maybe switch the cous-cous to a whole white bagel

Meal 4

7Oz Extra LGB
100g Soya Beans

Meal 5
3/4 Cup Greek Yogurt Not a bad choice but i would rather see cottage cheese or lean red meat here. Maybe some almond butter with the lean red beef. I wouldn't do almond butter with the cottage cheese though.


2969 Calories
102 Fat (31%)
190 Carbs (26%)
325 Protein (44%)

For anyone interested I run a 5/3/1 with a powerbuilding approach, and have recently incorporated fasted cardio in the mornings for 30 minutes. I also have began EC. My cycle after post cycle therapy (pct) and recovery from this cycle has already been procured and is locked and loaded also... so I will hopefully lean out even further on prop/tren in November.

First of all, Congrats on a great post. Most people come in and ask for help and give little or no information. You've managed to give just about everything so nice job!.

I would like to se you up your carbs a little and drop your protein and fats just a lil. Are you carb sensitive? You should really consider talking to 3J about one of his packages. Guy is a guru when it comes to this shit. He not only explains the food choices but will explain WHY certain food choices are better than others at certain times in the day. Money well spent IMO
First of all, Congrats on a great post. Most people come in and ask for help and give little or no information. You've managed to give just about everything so nice job!.

I would like to se you up your carbs a little and drop your protein and fats just a lil. Are you carb sensitive? You should really consider talking to 3J about one of his packages. Guy is a guru when it comes to this shit. He not only explains the food choices but will explain WHY certain food choices are better than others at certain times in the day. Money well spent IMO

I'd consider myself carb sensitive; during my teen years I weighed in excess of 270lbs (none of which was muscle) before I dropped to 160, then to my current point. It seems when I ingest any real amount of carbs I bloat up like a balloon and look terrible. In the past I have responded sensationally to keto dieting.

With that being said I am perfectly willing to suck it up and bring carbs up to maybe a 40/40/20 (if thats what would be suggested).

I'd love to use 3J's services... but unfortunately as a 200lb+ cycling full time university student without a job it's pretty much impossible for me to afford right now; hopefully I will be able to down the road.
Looks like you have a pretty decent diet, i might switcha couple things up if you were cutting but for bulking its pretty good. Sit tight and wait for 3J, he's busy as shit but will eventually get to you in his free advice thread. Great job going from 270 to 160, thats seriously badass.
Looks like you have a pretty decent diet, i might switcha couple things up if you were cutting but for bulking its pretty good. Sit tight and wait for 3J, he's busy as shit but will eventually get to you in his free advice thread. Great job going from 270 to 160, thats seriously badass.

Appreciate it. I am going to pick up some white bagels for PWO and some cottage cheese... I'll keep carbs for morning/PRE/PWO. I will try to keep protein and carbs around similar levels. Main question now is calories.

And thanks... I managed to get to 185 (skinnyfat) from about 17-18yrs and then got mono... shit turned south fast and I ended up a frail little boy... I tell you working your way back up takes a hell of a lot longer than it does to drop it.
Appreciate it. I am going to pick up some white bagels for PWO and some cottage cheese... I'll keep carbs for morning/PRE/PWO. I will try to keep protein and carbs around similar levels. Main question now is calories.

And thanks... I managed to get to 185 (skinnyfat) from about 17-18yrs and then got mono... shit turned south fast and I ended up a frail little boy... I tell you working your way back up takes a hell of a lot longer than it does to drop it.

How confident are you with your BMR/TDEE calcs?

Looks like you used 1.55 as your multiplier, whats your gym schedule, cardio (if any) and are you active in your job? or at a desk most of the day?

Feel fortunate that you can drop weight easily, many of us struggle to do it.
How confident are you with your BMR/TDEE calcs?

Looks like you used 1.55 as your multiplier, whats your gym schedule, cardio (if any) and are you active in your job? or at a desk most of the day?

Feel fortunate that you can drop weight easily, many of us struggle to do it.

I'm in the gym 6 days a week. I lift 5 days a week, and do 20 minutes moderate-interval cardio after every session. I do 40mins low impact on Saturdays. Sunday off. Keep in mind I am also in the middle of a cycle (although I'd be bullshitting if I said I knew any of the science behind things like nutrient partitioning on steroids and fat loss).

Blissfully unemployed student.
ill look this all over tomorrow my friend...

im very busy with clients right now.. if i dont get to you by tomorrow night.. send me a pm and remind me..
bumping this up.

Also made some slight changes as per suggested. My last meal is a slow digesting protein either lean beef or cottage cheese. Im eating a white bagel PWO as well. Around 3000cals/300-350g protein... trying to keep carbs on par with protein but it's difficult.
ok clarify for me what it is you exactly want.. you want to dp bf and gain lbm at the same time??

if that's the case.. eat just at maint calories.. keep cardio moderate.. and good luck

if thats not the case.. drop 200 more calories.. take them from fat...

do empty stomach cardio in the morning and pwo cardio.. both low intensity.. 30-45 min each session
ok clarify for me what it is you exactly want.. you want to dp bf and gain lbm at the same time??

if that's the case.. eat just at maint calories.. keep cardio moderate.. and good luck

if thats not the case.. drop 200 more calories.. take them from fat...

do empty stomach cardio in the morning and pwo cardio.. both low intensity.. 30-45 min each session

I guess essentially thats what I'd like to do. Diet looks alright? Never thought to add a second cardio session; will do.
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