Selective androgen receptor modulators


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J Pharmacol Exp Ther 2003 Mar;304(3):1334-40 Related Articles, Links

Pharmacodynamics of selective androgen receptor modulators.

Yin D, Gao W, Kearbey JD, Xu H, Chung K, He Y, Marhefka CA, Veverka KA, Miller DD, Dalton JT.

Division of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, College of Pharmacy, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA.

The present study aimed to identify selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) with in vivo pharmacological activity. We examined the in vitro and in vivo pharmacological activity of four chiral, nonsteroidal SARMs synthesized in our laboratories. In the in vitro assays, these compounds demonstrated moderate to high androgen receptor (AR) binding affinity, with K(i) values ranging from 4 to 37 nM, and three of the compounds efficaciously stimulated AR-mediated reporter gene expression. The compounds were then administered subcutaneously to castrated rats to appraise their in vivo pharmacological activity. Androgenic activity was evaluated by the ability of these compounds to maintain the weights of prostate and seminal vesicle, whereas levator ani muscle weight was used as a measure of anabolic activity. The maximal response (E(max)) and dose for half-maximal effect (ED(50)) were determined for each compound and compared with that observed for testosterone propionate (TP). Compounds S-1 and S-4 demonstrated in vivo androgenic and anabolic activity, whereas compounds S-2 and S-3 did not. The activities of S-1 and S-4 were tissue-selective in that both compounds stimulated the anabolic organs more than the androgenic organs. These two compounds were less potent and efficacious than TP in androgenic activity, but their anabolic activity was similar to or greater than that of TP. Neither S-1 nor S-4 caused significant luteinizing hormone or follicle stimulating hormone suppression at doses near the ED(50) value. Thus, compounds S-1 and S-4 were identified as SARMs with potent and tissue-selective in vivo pharmacological activity, and represent the first members of a new class of SARMs with selective anabolic effects.
Selective androgen receptor modulators - agonists (activate the androgen receptor in some tissues like muscle) & antagonists in others (hypothalamus for example) which means that they would have little impact on HPTA....
hhajdo said:
Selective androgen receptor modulators - agonists (activate the androgen receptor in some tissues like muscle) & antagonists in others (hypothalamus for example) which means that they would have little impact on HPTA....
starting to make sence. so where can we get these selective androgen receptor modulators?
hhajdo said:
Selective androgen receptor modulators - agonists (activate the androgen receptor in some tissues like muscle) & antagonists in others (hypothalamus for example) which means that they would have little impact on HPTA....

This could be the answer to the Dbol bridge controversy. Let's hope they actually go forward developing such a drug.
This would mean a never ending cycle with bo bitch tits and less chance of hairloss. too bad none of us will ever be able to get some of it (un;ess you work for that pharm company).
yeah, they wont make it (no money in it)

i agree about the biotest comment...

and im sure it would give me gyno, everything else does...