self defense kinves guns and gun violence


I am banned!
Latley after the recent shooting in the states over here in oz there's been alot of talk on the news and talk shows and all that bullshit about you guys in the states and basically your right to own carry guns ect as most of you may know in the early 90s there was a mass shooting in Australia after wich guns have basically been prohibited yes you can still get rifle's and shot guns but the laws are extremely tight regarding this excluding about 80 percent of the population from owning such weapons .

So I was just wondering what you fellas think about this would you support a ban of some sort on fire arms or support it how many of you guys own guns ?? And for what purpose do you own these items and do you carry a weapon gun knife ect for self defense or what not do you feel safer for owning \ carrying these items

Any way just wondering what you guys think as you all are the only yanks I know
i wouldn't support a ban on anything . Gun ownership is a fundamental right of human existence, imo. the right to defend yourself and your family . go to a country where gun ownership is not easy and free, when someone gets robbed whats the first thing that person does ? He calls the guys with the guns (aka, the cops). well fuck that , why be so damn dependent and helpless. you have to call the guys with the guns to come help you cause you can't own a gun.

criminals thrive on attacking helpless victims that can't defend themselves. is a burglar more likely to rob a store that he knows nobody owns a gun , or is he going to rob a store where all the employees of that store are packing heat? obviously the former.

my neighborhood and commenty has pretty much a zero crime rate statistic. thats because we all own guns, and we carry them to the bank with us, to the grocery store and every where else. criminals are going to bypass our little community cause they don't want to get killed ,, they'll keep driving and find some liberal pansy ass community that has strict gun laws and go feed off of those people.

me personally . I own 50+ firearms , from military grade AR15s, Aks, to collectibles and hunting. every room I'm in in my house I'm very close to a loaded weapon. me and my wife carry a gun with us everywhere we go. We are full members of our local gun range. its a way of life , a 'freedom' we were born into, and a freedom we choose to responsibly practice
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Nice I thinks its just hard for the rest of us that weren't brought up raised this way I suppose the other side of the argument would go if nobody had guns at all you wouldn't have to defend yourself from guns by using guns lol since new years over 200 of you guys in the states have been shot that's alot even with your population in mind . Don't get me wrong I'm not against guns but why do you need an ar15 isn't that an assult rifle???? That sort of seems crazy lol that's alot of gun not saying I wouldn't own one if I had the chance but it dose seem like overkill
Nice I thinks its just hard for the rest of us that weren't brought up raised this way I suppose the other side of the argument would go if nobody had guns at all you wouldn't have to defend yourself from guns by using guns lol since new years over 200 of you guys in the states have been shot that's alot even with your population in mind . Don't get me wrong I'm not against guns but why do you need an ar15 isn't that an assult rifle???? That sort of seems crazy lol that's alot of gun not saying I wouldn't own one if I had the chance but it dose seem like overkill

do you think I'd want to defend myself against a knife wielding 300 pound high on crack lunatic without a gun? even if he had no gun and just had his bear hands,, fuck that shit I'm shooting the guy, not going to get my hands dirty in a fist fight to defend myself. i don't have guns to defend agains guns , I have them to defend against anything i need to. yes, I'd prefer to bring a gun to a knife fight. yes I want the biggest baddest highest capacity killing machine that I would need to stop an enemy in his tracks.

Why should I not have the biggest advantage absolutely possible when it comes to defending myself and my kids from a violent criminal?
If some crimal came to hurt my kid, I should own a tank if i needed it. the criminal deserves no advantage of fair game,, he's a criminal

as for AR's being overkill . well I own several and several AKs as well , and my kids shoot them too. in America they are called "sporting" rifles. We have organizations and shooting events all over this cournty where people compete in tactical shooting using AR15s, both women, men, and youngsters. owning an AR15 is the american way (for freedom loving americans at least).
we have TV shows on every wednesday night that is nothing but AR15 shooting competitions and technique learning. Just turn on the TV and learn how to operate an AR15.

as for it being an 'assault' rife. well I've never seen a rifle 'assault' anyone ever. just like i've never seen a pencil or a pen ever mis-spell a word . sure i've seen some dumb people mis-spell a word using a pencil, but never seen the pencil itself do it ;)

iif an islam wacko decides to stone a woman with stones for not wearing a head cover, are those stones now 'assault' stones. no , he is that 'assaulter' , not the stones. same with a rifle, there is no such thing as an 'assault' rifle . just people that assault other people with inanimate objects ,
do you think I'd want to defend myself against a knife wielding 300 pound high on crack lunatic without a gun? even if he had no gun and just had his bear hands,, fuck that shit I'm shooting the guy, not going to get my hands dirty in a fist fight to defend myself. i don't have guns to defend agains guns , I have them to defend against anything i need to. yes, I'd prefer to bring a gun to a knife fight. yes I want the biggest baddest highest capacity killing machine that I would need to stop an enemy in his tracks.

Why should I not have the biggest advantage absolutely possible when it comes to defending myself and my kids from a violent criminal?
If some crimal came to hurt my kid, I should own a tank if i needed it. the criminal deserves no advantage of fair game,, he's a criminal

as for AR's being overkill . well I own several and several AKs as well , and my kids shoot them too. in America they are called "sporting" rifles. We have organizations and shooting events all over this cournty where people compete in tactical shooting using AR15s, both women, men, and youngsters. owning an AR15 is the american way (for freedom loving americans at least).
we have TV shows on every wednesday night that is nothing but AR15 shooting competitions and technique learning. Just turn on the TV and learn how to operate an AR15.

as for it being an 'assault' rife. well I've never seen a rifle 'assault' anyone ever. just like i've never seen a pencil or a pen ever mis-spell a word . sure i've seen some dumb people mis-spell a word using a pencil, but never seen the pencil itself do it ;)

iif an islam wacko decides to stone a woman with stones for not wearing a head cover, are those stones now 'assault' stones. no , he is that 'assaulter' , not the stones. same with a rifle, there is no such thing as an 'assault' rifle . just people that assault other people with inanimate objects ,

Yea I've do agree man you make some valid points but I'm sure an ak and an ar are both rifles designed with military purposes in mind not sports or hunting ect sort of the difference between carrying a Swiss army knife compared to a k bar one is a tool the other a full blown combat knife . So what dose it entail getting your hands on an ak or ar are they easily obtained by a normal fellow?
Yea I've do agree man you make some valid points but I'm sure an ak and an ar are both rifles designed with military purposes in mind not sports or hunting ect sort of the difference between carrying a Swiss army knife compared to a k bar one is a tool the other a full blown combat knife . So what dose it entail getting your hands on an ak or ar are they easily obtained by a normal fellow?

the classic 30-06 bolt action deer/elk rifle that hunters use today was originally a military designed fighting rifle in world war 1. Amercian civilians always take on the military designed rifles and turn them into sporting rifles . its been a tradition for 100s of years. Plenty of guys hunt with AR15s (i've got one set up for coyote hunting).
Even the 50 caliber browning machine gun round (that they mount on tanks and helicopters) , is used by civilians for 'sporting' fun, we do 1 mile long range shooting competitions with it . or blow up junk cars. if you got $15k, you just walk into your local gun store and pick one up.

as for purchasing an AR or AK here in my state , its no different then buying a 22 cal little rifle. you walk into the store, pick out the gun you want, fill out the paper work (they do the background check with the FBI, takes about 10 mins) , then you give them your credit card pay and walk out the door onto the streets with your new gun.
OR , like I've' done because I've wanted special order guns and not something off a store shelf. I get online, find the AR15 i want, order it with all the custom i want , they ship it to my local dealer, and when it shows up i go pick it up.
OR, maybe your neighbor has one , you give him the cash , he gives you the gun, and then you register it in your name. takes 10 mins.

if you want to do just a little bit more paperwork and pay a little more money , you can buy silencers for your guns too (my local gun store sales a whole bunch of diff silencers), as well as buying fully automatic machine guns (just gotta do the paperwork and pay the $ fees)
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That is pretty cool id just like to go check out one of the gun shops selling all that gear lol silencers just for sport ay lol over here that would cost you more than 5 years jail time . Haha coyote hunting sounds like fun yea you do have some pretty good points there I suppose it just seems weird to me we cant have a damm bb gun air soft and not 2 long ago made paint ball guns illegal to own damm I even remember back in the day they had Time crisis come out on the very first playstation they were trying to ban the plastic gun that came with it haha cant even buy a cap gun any more and there in the process of baning compound bows I'm jealous of you guys over there
Lol sling shots are illegal jail time for them too