Serious lifters only


New member
hey guys heres my second post on this topic..still getting used to how this works...ive been out in afghanistan for the last 6 month going nothing but hard..i need to step it up so i got 300 mg deca and 300 mg sus..if your reading this and confused on what im talking about then dont bother reading the rest of this or posting..i got a few questions on the topic so i can start my cycle and know that im doing it in the safest and most vital manner that i can.heres some of the things that i needed to know:

1.) What supplements should i take with health wise for liver or any other side affects such as milk thistle etc..?
2.) post cycle?..whats the best supplement that i can use that will help maintain my gains as much as possible?.. any recommendations?
3.) for anti estogen what should i take?
4.)how much of the deca and sus should i take as a beginner? i was thinking 1 mL but if someone got something better let me know
5.)anadrol?.. safe to take with this cycle also?
6.)any other information or recommendations would be great..thnx