Serious Overuse injuries and recovery


New member
Had a serious overuse injury occur nearly 2 years ago after a serious bout with Salmonella. I've never been able to workout since. After the injury I was unable to eat very well for a few months due to my GI track slowly recovering.

I've never taken AAS before, I utilized a heavy powerlifting routine 3 days/week, jogged, cycled or swam on off days.

I've attempted plenty of massages, chiropractic treatments and remedies, all to no avail. Continued dull achy throbbing in the limbs, ltd ROM, and weakness,

Has anyone else had experience with chronic injuries??
What am I doing wrong :confused:
I have chronic injuries and I'm training 5-6 days a week now. I tried everything over the years and nothing seemed to work. I found out I had low T and now I feel 1000x better since starting TRT. Nothing has had a bigger impact on my chronic injuries than that.

Not saying that is your issue, but it may be worth a look.
Some quick figures to understand;
Total Test: 282ng/dl
Free test: .97ng/dl
Vitamin D: 65ng/ml

I've also run tests checking Cortisol, Cal/Mag, Potassium, B12 and have ruled out any inflammatory disease, all hormone and vitamin tests are in my Doctor's words 'normal'. Since I'm only 26 TRT is currently out of my reach.

an MRI and ultrasound revealed widespread inflammation, but no noticeable tears. My Doc seems to believe this will clear up on its own and insinuated that I'm exaggerating when I say everyday activities like walking up and down stairs or driving are difficult.
In the legs essentially everything from piriformis/gluteus medius down; the calves are especially weak; barely able to stretch or load them at all.
In the arms I have tennis elbow and golfer's elbow in both arms, my wrists are heavily restricted in ROM, as are my shoulders, and my traps are heavily restricted although they are the only place where adhesions are present which I am trying to break up with massage.
That it is.

In addition to my strict healthy diet, I have thrown various supplements at it: glucosamine and chondroitin, shark cartilage. whole food based multi-vitamins, Mag-cal, B12 injections, ZMA, Vitamin C, Vitamin E mixed tocopherels and even more that I don't quite remember at the moment.

The painful restrictions keep me living a mostly sedentary life, but I do many recommended rehab exercises, recovery just seems to lag to the point that progress can't be made.
Some quick figures to understand;
Total Test: 282ng/dl
Free test: .97ng/dl
Vitamin D: 65ng/ml

I've also run tests checking Cortisol, Cal/Mag, Potassium, B12 and have ruled out any inflammatory disease, all hormone and vitamin tests are in my Doctor's words 'normal'. Since I'm only 26 TRT is currently out of my reach.

an MRI and ultrasound revealed widespread inflammation, but no noticeable tears. My Doc seems to believe this will clear up on its own and insinuated that I'm exaggerating when I say everyday activities like walking up and down stairs or driving are difficult.

You need a new doctor. One that has a clue what 282ng/dL for total testosterone really means, and how it affects recovery from training.

I advise you start looking for another opinion, and do NOT mention fitness goals at all. FYI: 280 is often the very bottom on a testosterone panel, and any doc worth two shits knows that a 26 year old shouldn't be there.

My .02c :)
You need a new doctor. One that has a clue what 282ng/dL for total testosterone really means, and how it affects recovery from training.

I advise you start looking for another opinion, and do NOT mention fitness goals at all. FYI: 280 is often the very bottom on a testosterone panel, and any doc worth two shits knows that a 26 year old shouldn't be there.

My .02c :)[/QUOTE]

Indeed, part of the problem is my Doc has trouble believing me, I look and seem fine on the surface.

But, speaking in theory how would ordinary Test improve healing anyway? Would it increase IGF-1 and improve maintenance for instance? Or would only an anabolic such as Deca or Equipoise brook some improvement in healing? And what minimum doses would carry a benefit, just speaking in theory here;)