setting my next cycle up how does this sound?


New member
Ok 6' 200lbs now 16-18%bf 31 yrs

Here is how I want to run my next cycle but tweeks are welcome that's why im posting :)

Weeks 1 - 12 tri blend comprising 60mg test prop 50mg tren A and 50mg mast prop eod

Weeks 1 - 4 dbol 50mg daily

Weeks 1 - 12 adex 0.5 ed

Weeks 1 - 12 dostinex 0.5 eod

Weeks 1 - 12 vitamin B6 400mg ed

Weeks 1 - 12 vitamin D3 20,000 iu daily

PCT will be clomid 100/100/50/50 and tamox 40/40/20/20\

What's this look like? I am a way off this cycle I just wanna make sure ita right before I even buy :)
Nice make sure to have some prami or caber on hand bro looks like a good cycle good luck to you cheers
Nice make sure to have some prami or caber on hand bro looks like a good cycle good luck to you cheers

dostinex is caber my man brand name tho so soz lol and cheers nice to know im getting the hang of this good and proper now i think this is the first cycle i have posted about that hasn't been ripped apart and putting this cycle together was helped by the knowledge and info on this forum cheers mush
Isnt masteron for low bf % like under 14 % how many cycles you done?

I hate reading this regurgitated shit... No offence to you, Yoda.

Masteron is a DHT based AAS, much like Stana or Var you do not have to be a specific bodyfat. But, yes, you will see better results in terms of vasculairty with a lower bodyfat... But that goes without saying obviously.

Some people seem to think that Masteron is useless until you are at a low bodyfat. BULLSHIT :)
So it will be your 6th cycle? Personally, i think the dosages are a little low. And that's a good bit of adex. What were your previous cycles?
I hate reading this regurgitated shit... No offence to you, Yoda.

Masteron is a DHT based AAS, much like Stana or Var you do not have to be a specific bodyfat. But, yes, you will see better results in terms of vasculairty with a lower bodyfat... But that goes without saying obviously.

Some people seem to think that Masteron is useless until you are at a low bodyfat. BULLSHIT :)

Not offended thanks for the new info always good to learn new things bro cheers
So it will be your 6th cycle? Personally, i think the dosages are a little low. And that's a good bit of adex. What were your previous cycles?

the adex is like that because i am quite sensitive and that dose works well for me...........i was thinking about the low doses and think i should run 1ml ed rather than eod and previous cycles were crap tbh and a long while ago apart from the one i am running now as a get back into this cycle currently i am running 400mg test e and 400 mg test dec ew and 0.5 adex eod for 15 weeks before this my last cycle was 2 n half years ago and honestly they are not worth posting for the crap i would get lol
If you don't mind getting away with low doses... Why the fuck not lol.

was a cost thing more than anything i mean can u imagine the ml's used including waste over 10-12 weeks? lol i think im gonna tweak ed rather than eod does that sound better? or even 2ml eod ??
Again, upto you, short esters will produce less sides pinned ED instead of EOD... Same with long esters, E7D, E4D, EOD... The closer the better. I am currently doing EOD of long esters (because of the injection volume) and also to see how I react to EOD injection on long esters... Believe it or not same claim even less sides and feel better switching from 2x weekly to EOD on long esters.

You can get away with EOD with those though... So why not. Again, choice is yours to weigh up on that.
Yeah, eod is fine. The longest ester i mess with, is sust and i pin that eod. I already have scar tissue in my glutes and do not wish to have it anywhere else.