Sharp pain/pressure in my head while doing lunges?


New member
So I will more than likely go into to much detail but this kind of had me worried, and I have never had this happen to me before so not sure what to do. So woke up today while I am at work and went to the gym. Was well hydrated took a scoop of preworkout drank just a small shake to make sure I didn't get hungry. I got about 6 hours of sleep with me waking up about 3 hours in and drinking the remainder of my night time shake. So it was leg day today and I was feeling pretty good. Did squats, leg press, then I proceeded to do lunges while just holding a plate over my head and here is where I had the problem.

Did my first set just fine, but at the end I noticed a little bit of pressure/pain in my head, thought nothing of it started my second set and half way through I had this sharp pain all throughout my head and dizzyness and a bit of nausea. I stopped and had to walk outside for some cool fresh air. The pain subsided a bit and I noticed it was just on the whole left side and I had some pressure pushing out behind my left eye. I tried to go back into the gym but the dizziness and nausea was kinda scaring me so I ended up sitting in the sauna for 10 min to try and relax a little. Probably not the best idea but wasn't really all there. Then I went to the lunch room ate a little and sat for about 30 min, started to feel a little better but when I got up and started walking to my room to get ready for work the pain came back again and I had to stop a few times to hold on to the wall because of the dizziness and my eyes watering up. It's been about two hours now I feel better, there is still a small head ache and I'm still slightly nauseous when walking around.

Now question is could AAS have anything to do with this? I'm on week 10 of my test e cycle, had blood work done about 3 weeks ago my hematocrit was just barely below the high range. I was planning on donating a week ago but work had other plans that did not include me going home so I have not yet and probably won't be able to for another couple of weeks. Not sure if that could have anything to do with it and that's why I'm asking here. I take a few supplements you know just vitamins minerals fish oil BCAAs, not sure if any of that would do this.
Just looking for advice to see if anyone has any ideas or suggestions on what I should do or if I should be fine unless it happens again. Thanks for any help you guys can give me.
I have had this same issue with the exception of the dizziness. And no pain behind the eyes yet but presure headache for sure just happened today after an intense work out. Is this a sign to donate blood? Would it help? Been off my cycle of test c and stust 350 for 2 months now just started yesterday with symptom.
I have similar symptoms when I crash my estro***8230; how much AI do you take? My guess is that, or time to donate blood***8230;
good luck
I have similar symptoms when I crash my estro***8230; how much AI do you take? My guess is that, or time to donate blood***8230;
good luck

What kind of headaches are they when u crash ur estrogen? Are they 1 side, 2 sides? front area, side area? Only when u work out? When u are just doing normal stuff, sneeze, cough? Explain more please.

So I will more than likely go into to much detail but this kind of had me worried, and I have never had this happen to me before so not sure what to do. So woke up today while I am at work and went to the gym. Was well hydrated took a scoop of preworkout drank just a small shake to make sure I didn't get hungry. I got about 6 hours of sleep with me waking up about 3 hours in and drinking the remainder of my night time shake. So it was leg day today and I was feeling pretty good. Did squats, leg press, then I proceeded to do lunges while just holding a plate over my head and here is where I had the problem.

Did my first set just fine, but at the end I noticed a little bit of pressure/pain in my head, thought nothing of it started my second set and half way through I had this sharp pain all throughout my head and dizzyness and a bit of nausea. I stopped and had to walk outside for some cool fresh air. The pain subsided a bit and I noticed it was just on the whole left side and I had some pressure pushing out behind my left eye. I tried to go back into the gym but the dizziness and nausea was kinda scaring me so I ended up sitting in the sauna for 10 min to try and relax a little. Probably not the best idea but wasn't really all there. Then I went to the lunch room ate a little and sat for about 30 min, started to feel a little better but when I got up and started walking to my room to get ready for work the pain came back again and I had to stop a few times to hold on to the wall because of the dizziness and my eyes watering up. It's been about two hours now I feel better, there is still a small head ache and I'm still slightly nauseous when walking around.

Now question is could AAS have anything to do with this? I'm on week 10 of my test e cycle, had blood work done about 3 weeks ago my hematocrit was just barely below the high range. I was planning on donating a week ago but work had other plans that did not include me going home so I have not yet and probably won't be able to for another couple of weeks. Not sure if that could have anything to do with it and that's why I'm asking here. I take a few supplements you know just vitamins minerals fish oil BCAAs, not sure if any of that would do this.
Just looking for advice to see if anyone has any ideas or suggestions on what I should do or if I should be fine unless it happens again. Thanks for any help you guys can give me.

Most headaches are from:
-Blood pressure too high
-RBC is too high

U can fix ur BP with fish oil, it's my fav since Halfwit told me about it. Super cheap. 3-4g spread out in the day. Brought mine down from like 155 to 120-130 range. If ur RBC is near a while back, then it's prob too high now. So u have to donate blood, I'd do it as soon as u can TBH. For now U should atleast run 81mg asprin ED, this will thin ur blood and prevent possible clots till u can donate. It's safe ed to run too. Some guys run it long term. Most people think they are hydrated, but sometimes over eating so much cals and working out so hard, makes ppl have less room for water and they over think it and don't drink as much as they need. I have this problem often. most headaches in general are caused by this.

So do ur bloods and check ur BP. if those are ok, then Just drink 1.5-2 gals tracked for a few days and see if it helps. If none of this helps, then I'd go check ur doc.

PS: I use to have headaches on half of my head. Could not figure out how to fix them. I had good BP, donated blood and 44 Hemo so it was good too, Still had, spent tons of time drinking h20 and still had. Then I upped from test dosages and it began to just go away. So thats what I'm interested in the OP answering. I always ran my test at either 250 e3d, 125 e3d with .5 adex e3d too. Then I did bloods and found out I was runing even less than 125 e3d cause of underdosed gear, but still running adex at .5 e3d, I did not feel tired of any probs of low estrogen though, but with such a low dose of test I'd think it would have crashed it, even though I was not aware of the test being so low. So I wonder if I crashed my est and that gave me headaches on half my head. My cruise attempt was suppose to be 250 PW, but I guess I was running less than that. Makes me mad still to know this as well. Gl
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Only when I work out. After warm up, as soon as I go heavy I start getting a headache.. after stopping aromasin for few days they went away.. later I lowered my ai dose and they never came back..
If you are asking me, my BP is on the low side..
arround 110/60 usually.. it does not go up on cycle..
Also headache location

So i should lower my AI dose? Im about to get back on my cycle again is donating a must befor i get back on? I only take .5 mg dose of my AI. The head ache is also at a higher intensity part of my warm up. Usualy the past two times ive had the issue its in the back, right side.
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