Shed some light for a newbie please? Test E vs. Test 400


New member
Ok, I have a couple questions. First off, can someone on here please tell me why it is suggested to use 1 ml of test400 a week (split into 2 doses) and for test E, its suggested to use 500mg/week (split in 2). From all the research I've gathered, I cant figure a reason why these two cycles are supposed to "equal" each other. I understand that the test400 has the short/long esters, but I cant figure out why suggested use for a first cycle is 100mg test lower than a test e cycle.
I think it has something to do with weight of each compound. Mine has 6 different esters in it- dec,enan,cyp,prop,iso,phe. all of the esters weigh differently so it think that accounts for the difference in mg taken per week. I could be wrong, maybe some more experienced people will have better answers.
yes kinda , all injectable steroids are base molecule plus esther
like Testosterone ( base) 83 mg Propionate (ester) 17 mg which is total 100 mg
Also Testosterone (base) 72 mg Enanthate 28 mg
But there are various factors like , injection schedule , post injection pain, desired results, oil solubility... when it comes to which test is best
Thats why test enanthate is the best choice for newbies, later on with more research,
you can make more complex choices...
Thats crazy how 400mg test400 equals 500mg test-E! This stuff is so fun to learn about, I wish college would have been this interesting lol!
Thats crazy how 400mg test400 equals 500mg test-E! This stuff is so fun to learn about, I wish college would have been this interesting lol!

Huh? Test 400 is a blend of cyp, prop, e, which equal 400mg per cc. Long or short ester test is test. I don't see an advantage with blends. Just makes it harder to control dosages.
Absorption rates play a part-
Test cyp only has an absorption rate of 67%
Test prop 92%
Test suspension 100%

So if your taking test cyp at 100 mg per week your only getting 67mg... Where as with prop if you do 100 mg your getting 92..

So with a blend with different esters your getting different absorption rates,, so dosing can be different then just a standard test E--
For example 400 mg of test suspension is a higher dose then 500 mg of test cypionate (because of the difference in absorption)