SHIT! been blasting and cruising, Want to donate blood but had unprotected sex!!!!


Hammer Time
I have been cruising for a while now and want to donate blood to lower hematocrit (rbc count) level but it says you cant if you have used steroids or needles, obviously people lie and say they dont unless its a prescribed donation from a doc, but it also asks have you had sex without protection. Anyone go though this and still lie? Ive been kind of a man whore latley and have had unprotected sex with a couple different women however I believe they are not dirty, buuuuuuut who knows..:( WTF should i do. Donate and lie on the questionnaire like i do about using needles, Not donate and have potential health risks of high hematocrit ooorr tell a doc whats going on and have him assist me to get what needs to be done taken care of. What you guys think, Im sure those are my only options besides jabbing a harpoon in my vein and syphen the blood out into a hefty bag. Help a brother out!
I'm pretty sure the red cross tests blood for STD's and a few other things, don't take my word for that though. At the very least I would go to the doc and get yourself checked for STD's, what's the worst that can happen, you have a treatable STD lol?

Alternatively you could always get a phlebotomy instead of donating it.
If you're really desperate just order a myriad of private lab blood tests brother lmao. Not serious of course; just go to your Dr and get tested. More than likely you're just overthinking things.
I'm pretty sure the red cross tests blood for STD's and a few other things, don't take my word for that though. At the very least I would go to the doc and get yourself checked for STD's, what's the worst that can happen, you have a treatable STD lol?

Alternatively you could always get a phlebotomy instead of donating it.

who is that in your avatar?:insane:
They test for some things but they can't test for everything. It is NOT true that it doesn't matter if you lie on the interview.
You could donate the blood and then call them the next day on the number they give you saying you have flu-like symptoms. They will throw your blood out.
Thanks for the replies, But Im pretty sure i dont have any std....But its the unknown, And im pretty damn sure im over thinking things. Id rather wait to go to the donation center rather than answer the questions on the questionnaire and have them say no. Wasted time and save face. Yea Hiv is no laughing matter and a woman can sleep with one loser and get that shit i know. I also know that after I donate they test the blood before they give it to anyone lol that would just be damn irresponsible of them.
Just trying to make a decision because its been a while since Ive donated. I have a doc appointment today so ill get bloods and then donate. Fuck my high libido...Its either fap and dont feel the urge to get laid or wrap that shit up!!! Dumb i know
I lied on mine about needles and such. They pricked my finger, tested it right there and said i was clear to donate.
I lied on mine about needles and such. They pricked my finger, tested it right there and said i was clear to donate.

They are only checking your hemoglobin when they do that.

Have you noticed the smaller bag of blood they collect once you start donating? That is the one they use for testing.
I just ordered a blood draw kit (phlebotomy kit) form medicalshipment. com.. is was only $23.00
I can't donate blood cause of recent tattoo work. simply gonna use the kit and draw my own blood at home.. less hassle, cheap, and easier then lying on a blood donation..
I just ordered a blood draw kit (phlebotomy kit) form medicalshipment. com.. is was only $23.00
I can't donate blood cause of recent tattoo work. simply gonna use the kit and draw my own blood at home.. less hassle, cheap, and easier then lying on a blood donation..

Probably goes without saying, but be careful. Enlist a helper if you can.
You could donate the blood and then call them the next day on the number they give you saying you have flu-like symptoms. They will throw your blood out.

Yea, the red cross loves wasting time on dirty people trying to dump blood because they use drugs and man whore around. Just stick with the truth bro, no need to be a liar. JMO.
Me personally I have always thought donating blood while on UGL steroids was morally wrong. But some times you got to do what you got to do. You cant start the process of doing steroids and skip out on a important part like this. Every single thing to do with steroids is illegal if your not on TRT so in my opinion this should be the last of anyone's worries. They do test the blood before giving it to people. This is one of those things you should think about before using steroids. Im not saying your not ready to use steroids by any means I just mean people should consider their morals about what they are going to have to do to complete the cycle correctly some times.
Yea, the red cross loves wasting time on dirty people trying to dump blood because they use drugs and man whore around. Just stick with the truth bro, no need to be a liar. JMO.

....why would people want to dump blood because you do drugs or are a man whore?
Ive dont drugs and have been a man whore...I never donated.
I want to stay healthy while cruising would like to donate.
What are you talking about?