Short 4 week cycle Test Prop - first one

i got to be honest lm taking prop atm and mix of cyp and enan and gaining 10lbs in 2 wks sounds like 80% water. i gained that in 5 weeks obviously people react diff to juice but thats big gains for 2 weeks.

we will see after I finish the cycle. When I started taking arimidex I did drop 4 or 5 lb of water. now the weight moves steadily up at a pound or so every two days. I am taking 0.5mg EOD of a-dex so hopefully there is not much water weight.

my shirts are all gotten tighter and some are too small now. Either they shrunk or I got bigger.

two weeks ago my bicep was 14.5 now it is 15.1 so I am growing.
I trust this is a combination of great training system (DC training) , proper nutrition and good gear.
a quick update.
I do not have test flu symptoms any more.
I do hate pinning gluts ... so f@#$&ng awkward, have to twist and get cramps in my side. last pin produced a lump too. it is slowly going away.

I am getting stronger. But it seems each day I have some muscles getting stronger than others and other days others would get a boost and some would not so much.

I finally squat 3 plates a side. - 315lb.
The most I did before was 275lb

My weight is not moving up as rapidly any more. I am at 207lb now after dropping quite a bit of water weight.

But I do look bigger than when I was 210lb. The shirts are much tighter. The biggest visual improvement is rounder fuller chest and larger lats.
Pants are tighter around the butt and quads as well.

I have a problem though. Right about at the end of my cycle I will have to travel for two weeks and there will be pretty much no gym around. I will try to exercise with what I have but this SUX BIG TIME as I may loose more than I could have.

I will not make my cycle any longer than 6 weeks.
Even with the help of HCGenerate my guys are slowly getting smaller. I will up the done from 5 to 10 caps a day as I have seen suggested.

And again - I do not feel ON. There is may be a slightly higher energy levels through the day. I can work out harder in the gym for sure though.
moderate flu like symptoms are back after I pinned my quad yesterday. this blows.

looks like whenever I pin my quad I get this.
the flu symptoms grew old very quickly and I do not look forward to them but they happen every time now. almost exactly 15 hours after the shot I feel like I caught cold/flu, 20 hours after the shot I feel like I am going to die and only thing I can do is stay in bed for couple of hours. The severe flu like symptoms last only 2-3 hours. I am sweating like crazy under the blanket and I freeze and start shaking violently the next second. I am kinda tired of this BS. Advil helps but I still feel like crap.

I only gained a couple of pounds in last week or so but I have seen a major recomposition of my body. I look MUCH bigger now.

I added 20 lb to my bench.

Oily skin is a bother since two weeks ago, I sweat a lot during the day and have to take shower a couple of times. I started seeing signs of acne in the last week too.

Thinking of cutting my cycle short if I don't start seeing more weight gains.
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ok ... I feel the flu like symptoms today still. Usually its only the next day which was yesterday and I did feel like crap. Woke up in AM today and still have body aches, nausea, shivers etc. This sux and I feel like it is inhibiting my gains. I have hard times making myself stuff food in me when I am nauseous and feel like I am going to puke.

I have to pin again tonight and I am thinking either not do it at all and just start PCT tomorrow or try to go down to 100mg instead of 150mg I was doing and see how that goes.

What do you guys think?
I pinned 100mg instead of usual 150mg yesterday. Feeling much better today. Almost no flu symptoms.

My weight is 2lb up from two days ago. I am up 1 inch around my chest from 10 days ago.
So I am still growing.
I'll continue with 1ml/100mg injections for now.
hey just wondering how you learned so much about steroid products. any sites you could recomend. also how did you choose your cycle
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hey just wondering how you learned so much about steroid products. any sites you could recomend. also how did you choose your cycle

I read this and a couple of other boards for over a year. I also read steroid profiles which you can find here Profiles -
and a many other places. Read several sources since each source has their own take on things.
this first cycle of running just test was simple, I needed to know how I react to just one compound, next cycle I'll add another. Just read buddy. do not jump into it head first.
ok. its been a while but I will post the results.

the cycle was 5 week long. started with 150mg eod of test and in week 5 went down to 100mg EOD because I just could not take the test flu @#$%. I should have ran 100mg all alone. I felt much better and I gained more weight, probably because my body did not have to fight the @#$%^& test flu every time I shot.

before and end of cycle numbers

Squat - 275 / 10 reps == 315/8reps (3 plates)
Leg press - 810 / 12 reps == 990/12 reps
Dips - 15 (at 198lb own weight) == 23 at 209 lb
Pullups - 5 (at 198lb own weight) == 7 at 209 lb
Bench - 155 / 8 reps == 185 / 7 reps

one week after the cycle I lost about 15% of strength and dropped 4 lb of water so my gains were 7 lb of mass ... BUT I also dropped 2% BF which is another 4 lb of muscle.

I received my OSTA Sart 1 week into post cycle therapy (pct). At the end of week 3 of post cycle therapy (pct) my strength was back. as I was squating 3 plates again (315lb) etc.

so the end result ... I kept 100% of my strength gains and I thank OSTA Sarm for it.
I added 0.5 inch to my bicep. 1.5 inch on my chest, 1.5 inch on my shoulders. and lost 1 inch on my waist.
I look totally different now. I actually do look like someone who lifts regularly.

Love the results. Will do the 4 week test prop + dbol cycle next time as sides started to catch up on week 5.

I am running OSTA Sarm only cycle now.
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hey Joh, I know this is an old thread, but did you keep the gains months after? Thanks for any help..
ok. its been a while but I will post the results.

the cycle was 5 week long. started with 150mg eod of test and in week 5 went down to 100mg EOD because I just could not take the test flu @#$%. I should have ran 100mg all alone. I felt much better and I gained more weight, probably because my body did not have to fight the @#$%^& test flu every time I shot.

before and end of cycle numbers

Squat - 275 / 10 reps == 315/8reps (3 plates)
Leg press - 810 / 12 reps == 990/12 reps
Dips - 15 (at 198lb own weight) == 23 at 209 lb
Pullups - 5 (at 198lb own weight) == 7 at 209 lb
Bench - 155 / 8 reps == 185 / 7 reps

one week after the cycle I lost about 15% of strength and dropped 4 lb of water so my gains were 7 lb of mass ... BUT I also dropped 2% BF which is another 4 lb of muscle.

I received my OSTA Sart 1 week into post cycle therapy (pct). At the end of week 3 of PCT my strength was back. as I was squating 3 plates again (315lb) etc.

so the end result ... I kept 100% of my strength gains and I thank OSTA Sarm for it.
I added 0.5 inch to my bicep. 1.5 inch on my chest, 1.5 inch on my shoulders. and lost 1 inch on my waist.
I look totally different now. I actually do look like someone who lifts regularly.

Love the results. Will do the 4 week test prop + dbol cycle next time as sides started to catch up on week 5.

I am running OSTA Sarm only cycle now.

crazy strength gains man!!