short cycles


New member
Hi i'm new..and first of all i want to say that this is the best forum i had ever seen
Now ..i read in a site that short cycles have a good raport of gains with less sides in general and less muscle loss post cycle
The cycle i chosed was this: test prop/d-bol and the theory is this: you can do 4-6 weeks on and 6-8 weeks of
i want to do 2 consecutives cycles and i hope i can gain some...
after every cycle i want to inject 2x500ui of HCG for 2 weeks and then the post cycle therapy (pct) with clomifen and tamoxifen
what do u thing about this kind of cycle...?( by the way i had only unse d-bol 30 mg for 1 month ...nothing more)
Starting jan 1st im doing my first short cycle... 6 weeks on 2 weeks cruise 6 weeks on and 2 weeks cruise
I was considering short cycles but 2-3wks on 2-3wks off, in my opinion with these you get most of the sides with limited I dropped the idea...6weeks on 6weeks off at least gives your body time to adjust and grow and makes the sides worth time to recover....
skarhead1 said:
Starting jan 1st im doing my first short cycle... 6 weeks on 2 weeks cruise 6 weeks on and 2 weeks cruise

Skar whats the idea behind the two week cruise ? Do you expect ur HPTA to partially recover ?