short ester cycles

Vennom- try injecting the sust slower. Ever since i started injecting 1cc about every min the pain from injections has been almost non-existant.
I know I'm digging this thread up from the grave, but...

I'm curious to read more from whoever was the original author of this thread. I've been looking around on some different boards, but haven't found it yet. Anyone know?
Vennom96 said:
Wow, Interesting article. So what are people supposed to do that wanna follow this? Get anavar, tren, winstrol, and Nandrolone phenylpropionate and then follow the 2 week on, 5 week off cycle?? I don't know if I could inject myself 3-5x a week!
I ran 4 weeks on, 4 weeks off for over a year with great results, but got tired of the mood swings caused by high androgens then low adrogens. I am currently doing 2 weeks on and 4 weeks off. My stack has remained the same: Test Prop 100mg EOD, Tren Ace 100mg EOD, NPP 50mg ED.
Everytime I see that article it makes me chuckle how obsessed Europeans are about conditioning/staying lean. The reason no one was using test is because very few BB in Europe do "bulking" cycles. When I was in Italy they didn't even know what the heck a bulking cycle was, lol.