I am banned!
I have just started a cycle of Test E and Anadrol and my bodyfat is 20%+
should I use this cycle to bulk or cut??
should I use this cycle to bulk or cut??
I have just started a cycle of Test E and Anadrol and my bodyfat is 20%+
should I use this cycle to bulk or cut??
I have just started a cycle of Test E and Anadrol and my bodyfat is 20%+
should I use this cycle to bulk or cut??
This has already been answered for you. Start posting stats. Your 19 and should not be using steroids.....but if you are, you can cut or bulk with most any steroid. This comes down to diet. You will not bulk in an extreme deficit no matter what you take. You will not cut in an extreme surplus no matter what you take.
Smoke crack all day and eat 6 large pizzas and you will not cut.......Eat a bowl of oatmeal and one apple every day while taking every steroid in the book and you will not bulk.
The basics have repeatedly been explained to you.
What part are you unclear about?
I'm asking whether I should eat in a deficit or surplus?!
Definitely bulk work your way up to 40% bf then take 20mg of winny for 2 weeks and you'll be shredded bro.
Cut for sure.
Only idiots bulk at 20% bf in bodybuilding.
But at 20% body fat you likely aren't in great shape. So even cutting with AAS you will likely gain a fair amount of muscle too. Providing you don't starve yourself on a chick diet.
Cutting on a decent amount of calories with AAS will probably have more of a recompositing effect. E.g losing fat and gaining muscle.