Should I increase AI dosage now?


New member
I started a cycle. My first Low test/high deca cycle... 250mg Test and 600mg deca. When running the 250mg of test by itself I was taking 10mg of aromasin the day after I took my test, so 2x/wk, 20mg per wk. Considering I only am adding the deca here and keeping test the same I am having trouble on the AI dosage. I would think that even tho deca doesnt aromatize as much as test I will still need to increase dosage. I am only finishing up week one and still have not increased my AI dosage.

Normally if I was running around 500mg of test I would be taking 20mg of aromasin ED. Should I increase to 10mg ED??
You are going to need a blood test for sure for the e2 and prolactin. With a Deca dose that high it's going to drive up your prolactin and you may require a DA.
Maybe it just psychological, but if I was running this cycle I would have no wood. I know some disagree, but it happens every time. Keep us posted. Maybe I will add dosinex next time, but it doesnt make up for lost time.
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You need to run your Test at least as high as your Deca imo. Its not like tren.
When I ran low test high deca upped my AI dosage.. Deca does still aromatize, you need to up your dosage of AI even if your test dose is lower.

Running test as high as deca is an "old school" way of protecting against deca dick.. But ever since the AI protocols and dialing in estrodial and prolactin levels, it's no longer the case. Can easily run low test high deca and have less side effects as comes with high test high deca
You are going to need a blood test for sure for the e2 and prolactin. With a Deca dose that high it's going to drive up your prolactin and you may require a DA.

Yes of course I will get BW doubt. That will be in a few more weeks tho. In the meantime I am just trying to guesstimate how I should run my AI. Know one will be able to give me specific dosage, I understnad that. Just looking for someone with practice using approx same dosages and any insight from what they did as a lead. I would rather go with that and when I do get my BW done be somewhere within the wheel house.
As Roush stated... these type of cycles are more widely used. This is my first time trying it out. I have Prami on stand by in case I have issues.

Possible outcomes are;

1) The deca will not raise my E2 too badly and I may need to slightly raise my AI dosage or not at all.
2) The deca will cause a significant spike in E2 and I will not only have to raise my AI dosage but also add Prami.
3) I will see a moderate rise in E2 and will just need to increase my AI dosage.

The general idea is that deca is not very androgenic therefore there will be no need for a large dose of AI. As I staed in previous post, On 500mg of test I need about 20mg of aromasin a day. On 250mg I barely need more than 20mg / week. That shows right there how much the test is aromatizing .
As Roush stated... these type of cycles are more widely used. This is my first time trying it out. I have Prami on stand by in case I have issues.

Possible outcomes are;

1) The deca will not raise my E2 too badly and I may need to slightly raise my AI dosage or not at all.
2) The deca will cause a significant spike in E2 and I will not only have to raise my AI dosage but also add Prami.
3) I will see a moderate rise in E2 and will just need to increase my AI dosage.

The general idea is that deca is not very androgenic therefore there will be no need for a large dose of AI. As I staed in previous post, On 500mg of test I need about 20mg of aromasin a day. On 250mg I barely need more than 20mg / week. That shows right there how much the test is aromatizing .

I'm guessing number 3.. but everyone is different. If your gonna wait to get blood test for awhile, which is what I would do as well (I'm more into going by a bit of feel). then just up your AI slightly and then monitor your blood pressure and resting heart rate every morning, if your BP and heart rate start going up and you start to see signs of water retention then you may need to up your AI.

I believe when I was running 300mg of test with 400mg of Deca along with 100mg EOD of NPP (front loaded the deca with NPP for the nandrolone to kick in quicker) I was at .5 mg of adex e3d. It was fine at first, but then I threw Dbol in there as well. I went to .5 mg of adex EOD, but still not enough so a actually ran a very small amount of letro on in-between days.,, was fine and then dropped the letro when I dropped the Dbol.

Off the top of my head I'd say 12.5 mg of aramosin ED might be a good starting point,, again Deca does aromatize, though not near as much as test or dbol. Investing in a home BP and heart rate monitor and checking status every morning would be a good start as well.
I'm guessing number 3.. but everyone is different. If your gonna wait to get blood test for awhile, which is what I would do as well (I'm more into going by a bit of feel). then just up your AI slightly and then monitor your blood pressure and resting heart rate every morning, if your BP and heart rate start going up and you start to see signs of water retention then you may need to up your AI.

I believe when I was running 300mg of test with 400mg of Deca along with 100mg EOD of NPP (front loaded the deca with NPP for the nandrolone to kick in quicker) I was at .5 mg of adex e3d. It was fine at first, but then I threw Dbol in there as well. I went to .5 mg of adex EOD, but still not enough so a actually ran a very small amount of letro on in-between days.,, was fine and then dropped the letro when I dropped the Dbol.

Off the top of my head I'd say 12.5 mg of aramosin ED might be a good starting point,, again Deca does aromatize, though not near as much as test or dbol. Investing in a home BP and heart rate monitor and checking status every morning would be a good start as well.

Yeah thats what I was thinking, 12.5mg ED. I have PSL aromasin so it will be 10mg ED actually. I checked my BP this morning and it was fine so good so far.
You can probably get away with the dose you're at, even though it *should* be dosed ED. Aromatization problems won't start really poking their heads out for awhile, and you already have plans to blood test - I'd just make sure to have a dopamine agonist on hand.

I have a feeling that you'll probably need to go to 10mg ED, but as long as you're able to discern when/if estradiol starts getting on the high side before bloods, I think you'll be fine.

My .02c :)