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I started a cycle. My first Low test/high deca cycle... 250mg Test and 600mg deca. When running the 250mg of test by itself I was taking 10mg of aromasin the day after I took my test, so 2x/wk, 20mg per wk. Considering I only am adding the deca here and keeping test the same I am having trouble on the AI dosage. I would think that even tho deca doesnt aromatize as much as test I will still need to increase dosage. I am only finishing up week one and still have not increased my AI dosage.
Normally if I was running around 500mg of test I would be taking 20mg of aromasin ED. Should I increase to 10mg ED??
Normally if I was running around 500mg of test I would be taking 20mg of aromasin ED. Should I increase to 10mg ED??