Should I try testosterone?


New member
hey everybody.

so 11 weeks ago I started a new diet and got back in the gym. this has worked wonders for me. i was 221, i'm currently down to 175 with shoes and clothes. my arms have really started coming in, as well as my abs (which are my goal).

i've never been ripped up before but that's my goal. i see guys in the gym with absolutely HUGE arms, but they aren't cut. that's not my goal.

i deff want muscle mass, however i dont want to be the damn hulk. a perfect example would be hugh jackson (i think thats his name, idfk) who plays wolverine in the x men movie.

currently my supplements include, glutamine, white flood, whey, and animal pak. i've had outstanding results but i'm starting to hit a slump. weight doesn't seem to be coming off as nearly as fast and muscle building as really slowed.

i'm 19 years old, wrestled and played volleyball throughout highschool. currently i play volleyball and am hoping to make the AVP tour in the next few years. some may laugh, but sand volleyball is tough and require you to be in tremendous shape.

so my question to the experts: should i try a test booster? or something else? or should i just keep doing what im doing, just expect slower results.

any info is appreciated. thanks.
Nah man, I wouldn't at 19. Your testosterone levels are high enough right now to get fantastic results. You're still riding the "free cycle". I'd talk to one of our diet experts to modify and expand on your current regimen.
I don't think you need take testosterone
right now. Your 19. You can still make
plenty of natural gains for years to come. Educate yourself on how to eat, train, and feel good for the rest of your life. I recommend the diet and training forum first. Good luck.
thanks guys, appreciate the fast responses. i've been meaning to stop by and have 3j critique my diet.

so its not the test that causes people to have these HUGE arms and chests with absolutely no definition, i'm talkin like a damn tree trunk arm lol. it's their diet correct?

btw- rep'd u guys. thanks again
while i have you cats here. i won a free tub of jack3d from ...:::Welcome to Nutrition Superstore | Secure Online Shopping:::.... they run a promo where they give away a free product everyday.

as said above, my current preworkout is white flood by controlled labs -- creatine free. do you think i could benefit from the creatine in jack3d?

not sure how i managed to forget, also on oxyelite pro by USP labs.

so this raises another question, both (OEP and jack3d) products need to be cycled, will they effect eachother? secondly, will the fact that i've been taking white flood for the last 5 weeks require me to cycle off of jack3d earlier, or am i safe to go the whole cycle?

it also says not to take it more than 5 consecutive days, am i safe to take the WF in those 2 days i'm not taking jack3d?
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