Shoulder Injury on First week of Cycle.


New member
I received a shoulder injury from benching. I understand that my form was off a bit as i adjusted as i was lifting the weight, causing the shoulder injury most likely. Anyway, immediately lowered the weight and when i come up it's a grind sensation in the right frontal deltoid, maybe a rotator cuff injury?

I was thinking of stopping my cycle of Sust, Deca. Only about 500 mg injection on monday. Should i just proceed to a PCT, and save my cycle for later? Would it be better to continue on cycle to see if the gear will elevate the healing process

More of a question, do I even need a PCT with only 1 injection. Most people say it's not necessary but wouldn't your natural test be shut down by now?

It just happened today, but i'm not taking any chances as I do not want any problems in the future. From reading about shoulder injuries, it may be a while till its healed and i don't want to waste a good cycle.

Any advice is appreciated thanks.
1 shot you dont need a post cycle therapy (pct). This is what im dreading when I do my cycle. You should get some peptides like TB-500 and Ghrp-6 to help you heal faster.