Sick during cycle


New member
I started a test/tren cycle a week ago, i just got a crazy cold or a flu that eventually turned into bronchitis for my wife so i stopped the cycle for a week now, still a little sick but much better, just wondering what you guys think about me getting back on it and generally how does this pause affect me and my cycle? Any input will be greatly appreciated.
You should not have stopped I always end up sick in cycle and I keep going. I even had the valley fever and I still believe I recovered faster because of tren and test or else I would have lost alot of weight
I was under the impression that my body is pretty weak when you go to the gym and NY has been a bit cold lately so I didn't want to say out too much so I figured that if I'm not going to the gym I really shouldn't be pinning, what do you think?
Again: you start a cycle and end it without any breaks (you stop the cycle for other reassons : going to hospital for real problems , nasty side effects,etc). You need to keep the same level of substance in you, in the entire cycle.
You think if you pin today when you stay home and go tomorrow on gym, you will not grow?
I got sick many times while I did cycles but I always run vitamin C 1000, anyway keep going and you shouldn't stop.