Six Weeks - Furuza-A / Trenazone / Forma Stanzol


Coulda Been Someone
Furuza-A at 400 mg ED x 6 weeks (Spread out at 6:30AM, 2:30PM, 10:30PM)
Trenazone at 1.5 ml ED x 6 weeks (or until it runs out)
Forma Stanzol at 7 pumps 2xED starting week 3 of the cycle and running through post cycle

On Cycle Support:
Fish Oil Caps, 6 ED
X-Strength Glucosamine, 3 Caps ED
Multi Vitamin
DAA, 3 grams 2ED
Creatine, 5 Grams ED with another 5 grams pre workout
B12, B3, B6
Vitamin D3, 2000 IU’s 2ED
Milk thistle
Saw Palmetto
Narangine (Grapefruit Extract - Aids in the bioavailability of oral supplements)
Vitamin C

AI - Forma Stanzol starting week 3 of cycle and continuing 3 weeks post cycle.
Post Cycle SERM - Clomid, 50/50/25/25/0/0
Post Cycle SERM - Nolva, 0/0/20/20/10/10 (This one is still up in the air)
Natural Test Boost Complex – Fadogia, Trib, Nettle Root, Bulbine Natalensis, Fenugreek (Starting last week of cycle)
Reversitol V2 (Starting last week of cycle)
Lean Xtreme 3ED (to help control cortisol)

52 Years young
160 lbs
11% - 12% BF
Long time gym rat, classic hard gainer. Alternating weeks of German Volume Training and maxing out at 3-4 sets with failure at 6 reps.

200 Grams clean protein. (Egg whites, chicken breast, whey isolate, tuna…)
Alternating 50/150 grams low glycemic carbs. (Wild rice, sweet potatoes, brown rice, oatmeal, multi grain bread)
Trace fats along with fish oil. May adjust to accommodate any joint issues.
Lots of green veggies (Broccoli, green beans, lettuce)
Occasional beer and/or cocktail. (Eliminating is tougher than one might think)

This is a recomping cycle. I want to hold at the 160, but reduce the BF to around 7%-8%. My 30” pants all fit comfortably, I want them to loosen up a bit, but tighten up in the ass.

I hope to update this log weekly with the occasional bump for any “late breaking” news. I started this stack last Thursday (Apr-26th). The pic below is the morning of, straight out of bed. No pump and pretty dry. I’ll likely update pics every other week or so. You can see I’m prone to holding a little extra “tissue” around my pecs… but again, this is literally 4 minutes out of bed and my muscles are pretty dry and still “asleep”. Maybe I’ll get around later in the cycle to posting a pumped pic.

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Thursday 5/3 – End of Week 1
Dosing - Hit all doses on schedule.
Weight – 155 (Down 5 pounds ???)
Diet - Diet was clean with the exception of a few extra beers. Hit my 200 grams of protein each day but was a little light in the carbs.
Workouts - Three workouts this week beginning Saturday which was three days into the cycle. (Saturday - Chest/Tri’s, Sunday - Shoulders, Tuesday Night - Legs/Bi’s). Workouts were stellar. The weights felt lighter and each session I felt like I didn’t want to leave the gym. Definitely felt an increased enthusiasm, focus and drive. Pumps are fuller. There is just an incredible overall swell, not just in the specific muscle group, but the surrounding area as well. I don’t log my sets/reps/weight during workouts, but I could definitely sense a higher level of intensity. Most noticeable was the decrease in pain/fatigue at the end of my GVT sets. I was able to sustain longer, slower reps and it was almost like the pain turned to some twisted pleasure.
Observations – Fuller pumps translated in the mirror. Tuesday night’s Bi workout was 6 days into the cycle. Vascularity is up. My 10 sets of GVT style Preacher Curls with the 80lb Barbell had the veins running across my clavicle popping like crazy. Striations across the front delts were more pronounced. I was holding a little more “stuff” around the abs last night, but it was a high carb day.
Sides – Only noticeable side is I can sense is an increase in my blood pressure. Sunday following my 90 minute shoulder / cardio routine, I ran to a local grocery store. I stopped by the pharmacy department and sat down in one of those BP chairs. 149/74. WTF? I didn’t panic since I was less than 30 minutes out from my workout and my pre-workout cocktail is pretty potent. Later in the afternoon, I had to run back out to Wally World and decided to hit their chair again to see where I was in a more “normal” condition. 114/74. Now THAT’s what I’m accustomed to seeing.
Libido – All systems are go.
Overall – Liking this cycle so far. I think the improved workouts this week were more than just a placebo effect. I don’t expect to see full blown impact of this stack until about 2.5 weeks in, but so far so good.

Other – Really need to cut out the booze completely. It’s the one thing standing in the way of getting some vascularity around the belly button area.